The Trail

Prince Oasis, consulting the guides dwelling within him...

"Guile, what can make the prince stand firm and able to attack me without guessing my standpoint?!"

"I mean, it's strange, his moves were so direct that one could tell if he sees me!!"

[Guile's soul speaking to prince Oasis]

"Oasis, I must admit, prince Oxi's moves seem like a mystery to me,... You know, I was dumbfounded at how he was able to tell your exact location, like, how he could attack you the way he did!!"

"You see, he can't just see you, he can decipher where you are hiding even with you using the 'art of secrecy' and that's strange!!!"

"Bu...but how come of that, Guile?!"

"I mean, he was like a tracker, trailing my every move and even the kick I sent towards his waist region was fend off!!!"