Brothers Conflict

Just like the five high princes and their troops, prince Oasis used nature to lock the troops of supreme Gods Dracos, excluding prince Oha and general Yu as both parties happened to be behind the king...

"I know something like this will happen and that's why I refused to have you accompany me..."

"Fighting against him is beyond the might of military gods, if a supreme bloodline like prince Oxi couldn't take him down, none of you can but I only brought you along due to your persistent plea, I can only hope you don't become a burden to me!!" Dracos said, referring to general Yu and prince Oha.

Hearing the king's words, general Yu replied...

"Whatever it is my king, don't turn back because of us, please don't relent to strike him down because we're ready to sacrifice our lives to ensure the end of his reign..."

"It shouldn't be heard that a monster like him rules the worlds..."

"Well spoken, general Yu!!" Dracos recount.