The Mad Prince

After ensuring peace between 'Drag Lions' and the inhabitants of the universe, the 'Drag Lions' joined the king in celebrating the whole day before returning to their abode...

The next day, supreme Gods Oasis ordered the prisoners to be brought before him in the midst of the crowds who were still filled with excitement...(unlike Dracos, Oasis did not want the first day of his coronation to be stained with the blood of the guilty and that was why he shifted the day he'll have Dracos and his co-conspirators judged).

"General Yu, bring out Dracos and his league of tyrants, it's time to have them face the full weight of the law!"

Bowing down, general Yu replied before proceeding with thirty military gods to execute the king's words...

"As you wish, my king!"

Before now, supreme Gods Oasis haven't visited Dracos in prison to know how terrible his mental state was, he had only be informed...