
Bella continued to point both guns at Adisa, and Trover.

"Bella. We have a mission right now. This is not the time for games". Adisa said in a demanding tone.

"Oh shut up."Bella said. U know nothing, or the struggles. What u both are gonna do is sit right here and wait.

"Bella are u telling me that ur with these guys?"Trover asked.

Bella didn't respond to him

Are these the guys that the captain was talking about? Adisa also asked her.

Again, nothing but silence from Bella and she held the two guns at both of their head's.

Don't worry trover she's not gonna pull the trigger. Adisa said. She knows that it's going to cuz her self attention and then the guards up on the wall are gonna head right over here.

Bella eyes widened.

"Oh? U don't think I'll pull the trigger?" Bella asked.

She began smiling. "U see, we aren't bad guys our goal is to give the freedom we all lost those many years ago".

Trover and Adisa looked at each other, then back to Bella.

"I know we can't take her in a fight, plus she has guns pointed at us. And those guys behind us are planning to do something to the people inside their hideout. If the captain was here he could easily kill them all. I guess we will have to wait on him to show up. But it's a 30 minute walk, damn it. Even if I was to shout loud and get attention she would just blow my brains out right now. And then get away" Adisa thought to himself.

Bella kept on going. "The people that put our ancestors here are the real enemy. But u all just want to fight among each other. It's bullshit. Everything here is bullshit. The only way to stop people from retaliation against the founding fathers is to kill the people that keep us suppressed from our true power. They fear us, damn it. And they should."

"Listen Bella. Just because our people keep fighting among each other doesn't mean U need to take them all out. Trust me I don't like the people that have us on the island either but let's say u were to kill everyone here. Which is what they want by the way. What next? We don't k ow their location or nothing and we don't have the fire power to fight". Adisa said

"I've been with u for 1 year now on this squad. I've known u for 4 years. And for u to go along with this crazy plan of urs it's crazy. It really does seem as though u guys are our enemies all so" Adisa claimed.

Bella looked at him. "U can never understand. Ur just a 15 year old boy. When ur older believe me you'll know..." she said in a dead tone.

Trover took one step towards her and she quickly put her finger on the trigger.

In the distance Adisa could see caption Udo approaching and fast. He was jumping tee from tree in a very quick and silent way.

Ahh so that's how he got here so quick,perfect. Said to himself."

"What the hell are u talking about, Adisa?" Bella asked.

Oh u should look up Adisa said, as in one swift motion shoved trover down to the ground.

Bella looked up to see a very pissed off captain Udo falling from the tree wit two swords at his sides.

Bella quickly jumped out of the way. As captain Udo landed she could feel the impact from the ground under her.

"So Bella.... why do u have these two guns pointed at our comrades?" Udo asked. With a giant vain on the side of his head. From all of the anger inside of him.

Bella looked in fear. "Captain- how did u- Like I said Adisa is a smart person. He does not trust anyone at all. So when I told him I was on the way, I already knew he wouldn't tell u guys. Even if they were to get captured,the enemy would not have seen me coming." Captain Udo explained.

Bella stood up and quickly drew her guns at Udo." Bella.... u better not be part of the group or else I'll have to do something I wouldn't want in my whole life" Udo said.

Bella began to shoot both pistols at captain Udo.

Trover and Adisa ducked under the bushes quickly.

Udo took out both his swords and quickly blocked and reflected all the bullets coming his way.

Bella looked in amazement.

Udo then in a blink of an eye was face to face with bella.

"What incredible speed and power" trover said.

Udo then proceeded to grab Bella by her head and put her head in the ground and started to drag her across the dirt. He then threw her into the giant gate that was 30 yards away.

Captain Udo began to charge right at her while she was still trying to stand

Then Adisa realized something as he was under the bush. He could see the gate and that there were no guards on it anymore.

"Captain wait! There is a fire going on inside of there." Adisa tells out.

Captain Udo looked up. "Oh shit he's right". Udo grabbed Bella by her neck and pinned her against the giant gate. "What are the other two doing there huh?" Captain Udo asked.

Bella started smiling while being held. "To start the new beginning" she said.

As she finished talking there was a huge explosion in the back in the blind clan headquarters. Udo put Bella down and jumped all the way up to the top of the gate.

Bella fell on the ground lifeless. What captain Udo saw shocked him. As the whole place was being burning down.

Udo looked in horror of what he was seeing." I think I understand their plan now" he said to himself while just staring at the flames.

Trover and Adisa ran over to try and get Bella but before they could it was like the world went in slow motion. It was the same guy with that women in the beginning.

a flash while Adisa's hand was out reaching for Bella the man snatched her up and took off with her on his back.

"Damn it". Trover said.

"There is no reason to chase them. I think I understand what's going on now". Captain Udo said to the both of them.

"But right now we will be targeted by this clan in the future". He said in a sad tone

Udo quickly jumped off the gate and scoped up Adisa and trover from their feet's and took off running.

Adisa could see the gate bursting wide open with people on fire and people running out of the hideout.

Adisa was in shock from what he was seeing and hearing. Adisa could hear the people shouting "screw the Kani clan, kill them, don't let them get away, chase them down".

"You all have it all wrong, Damn it. We weren't the ones who did this!" Adisa yelled to the crowd.

Captain Udo began to speed up. And the people went away from view

"There is nothing we can do now Adisa. Try to calm down, I know u hate this..... I do to man. It's kinda funny now that I think about it though. Not with the people on blind but one of my troops... Bella. I believe she still would have set u guys up regardless of her being with u or not. If she wasn't with u guys I'm pretty sure u would have been attacked." Udo explained while still running away.

"She was the one who called them out though captain. She told us to wait. I believe she still cares about us. Because otherwise she could have just had said nothing and let them sneak up" trover explained.

"Trover.... don't ever be in denial of something when u know the actual truth." Udo said.

Just before Adisa knew it they where back at their own gate. Udo quickly jumped over the tall gate.

Udo didn't stop for nothing. He ran past people and took Adisa and Trover right into his building.

He put them down when he reached the 34th floor and began talking to them.

"I think I know what they are trying to do" Udo said in a serious tone.

"Go in then captain" Adisa said.

"Well I don't know for sure but I believe they want all of the clans to destroy each other, by that I mean they want us all to kill each other in an all out war on the island, now there have been many wars on the island but only with like 3 or 4 clans fighting Among each other." Udo explained.

"Now with the blind clan they have one ally now. Before we were their allies but now I don't think so. If this group can change actually start a all out war. This will destroy our island in the process. But don't worry. I'll be setting up a meeting with all of the leaders... if they don't have their own problems. I don't even know if the blind clan leader Joseph is alive or not either" Udo said.

Udo began to grab his head. Adisa could see the stress in his eyes and trover's eyes also.

They both were born in the island and it was basically their home.

"Let's just hope nothing like today is happening everywhere else on the island then captain" trover said.

"Yea..... if they don't come to the meeting tomorrow then.... we will have our answer. It's not like we can just say stop the fighting. We aren't that way on the island." Udo said.

Adisa stood up. "No. No way we gonna let that happen. Bella mentioned the founding fathers and the ones that put us here. They are doing all of this to destroy them. But thy will kill a lot of people over here to. They want domination over everything. Not just freedom. That's why we can't let this happen. Don't worry captain we will get the message along". Adisa said in a confident way.

"Adisa do u even know a lot about these people... the ones who made the island I mean?." Udo asked.

"No sir, u see my memo-"

Udo put his finger over his mouth. Adisa didn't say a word.

"Trover u may leave now. And Remember. Don't tell anyone but our troop what is going on. We don't need our people to panic."

Trover left the room.

"Adisa u know they don't know right?" Udo asked.

"Yes I know" Adisa said.

But before it gets dark I'll give u a little history lesson on the island and the clans. And then I'll tell u all I know about u Adisa. Ok?" U o asked.

Adisa began to smile " yes sir" he said proudly.

"Let's hope u keep that smile on u for what I'm gonna tell u" he said to Adisa.

"Now then for a little history lesson" Udo said in a low voice. The energy in the room changed it got all quite as captain Udo began to talk.