Night Sky

Captain Udo,Jerome,Frost, and Xavier were all sitting at the meeting table.

"You are all free to sit back and relax, today." Captain Udo said.

All three of them looked surprised.

"You all did good and gave me great information. The only problem is that the soldier ended up saying it was Dante's clan. We can't really do anything about that, but considering nothing happened, we will have to see." Captain Udo said.

Yea. Your right." Frost said.

All three of them got up out of there seats and were headed to the door.

All of a sudden the door flew open. It was Adisa.

Jerome looked in surprise. He had Aubrie arm now, wide awake and looking.

"Oh…hello there." Adisa said in a dry way.

Adisa headed over to Udo and took a seat right next to him.

"Hey Captain Udo. I've had one of those feeling again." Adisa said.

Udo had a serious look in his eyes.

"Everyone sit down and listen." Udo demanded.

Everyone took their seats. Adisa was out of breath,but still managed to let his words come out.

"U all know how I get those feelings about someone or something not being right?." Adisa asked.

"Yep". Jerome said.

Everyone else nodded their heads in agreement.

"The clan of the Skies is up to something. I had a weird feeling when I was talking to the queen's daughter, summer. I felt as though she needed me to tell her more about me…if that makes sense. But I only got the feeling afterwards, like she needed to tell someone." Adisa explained.

"When the hell did the queen ever have a daughter?" Captain Udo asked.

"It's a long story. But just know she has a daughter, Captain." Adisa said.

"Why didn't you just follow the girl then?." Xavier asked.

"She was crazy fast. And when I mean fast I mean, like really, rally fast." Adisa said.

"Where was she headed?." Jerome asked. With anger in his voice.

"Brother, please calm down." Aubrie said. As she was playing with her toy.

Jerome looked at her with a crooked glare in his eyes.

Jerome was annoyed.

He suppressed his voice so he couldn't let his anger be heard.

"Well Aubrie, if you were to ever get knocked out and then we're about to go home, but instead a loser came into the room and started talking about something that might put you back on a mission. Well….you'd be a little annoyed too."

Aubrie started to pout.

"Whatever". She said. In a even more childish way.

Jerome rolled his eyes and looked back at Adisa.

"Adisa….where do you think she was actually headed?." Jerome asked.

"I have no clue. Not at all. But I feel as though she just needed something from me...oh yea. She said I was one of these special five people. Like I need to unlock my DNA or something." Adisa said.

Frost and Captain Udo's eyes opened even wider in surprise.

"Adisa, don't listen to her anymore." Captain Udo said.

"Why do you sound so concern? If there is something about me that I don't know. Then you should tell me." Adisa said.

"Adisa….trust me. You don't need to listen to her." Frost said.

Xavier and Jerome looked in confusion.

"What the hell are you three talking about?" Xavier asked.

"Don't worry about it." Frost said.

Adisa started to get annoyed.

"So let me get this straight…you both know something about my past and what she is talking about, but won't tell me? Adisa asked.

Udo looked down at the table.

"Fine Adisa. I'll tell you everything….I mean everything. We are family after all. Am I right?" Captain Udo said.

"Wait….what the hell are you all saying?" Xavier asked.

Frost and Udo looked up. They both forgot Jerome and Xavier were in the room.

"Oh that's right. I forgot that you two were in here." Captain Udo said.

"Well….I guess that will have to wait. But Adisa we need answers. We can't just not know. Unless…." Captain Udo stopped talking.

"Let me guess. There headed to the damn blind clan or something?" Jerome asked.

The blind clan was one of the clans that cut off the Kani clan. They haven't responded none of the clan's requests to have a meeting or anything.

They are supposed to be allies.

"I've been thinking. And that would make since…considering the people saw us running away when the bomb went off. I've been trying to check up on the clan and nothing has come back." Captain Udo explained.

"That would make sense. Out of all of the clans they are the most silent ones right now." Frost said.

Udo looked at Adisa. "Adisa. I want you to go there tomorrow for me. See if you can get a little more info for us." Udo said.

Adisa sat quietly. He looked down with his fist bald up. Vines popping out everywhere and he was shaking with anger.

He stood up and walked out. Not saying a word.

"I'm taking that as a yes? Head up there tomorrow. I'll let the queen know I'm sending ya. Tell her your there to just help be on look out." Udo yelled out.

Frost got up from the table and walked out the door also.

(Don't trust no one,don't trust no one,don't trust no one). Adisa though to himself.

Frost was approaching from behind him. Frost put his hand on Adisa's shoulder.

Adisa stopped and shoved his hand off.

"Don't talk to me right now". Adisa said.

Frost could see anger in Adisa's eyes.

"There is no need to be angry….trust me I know how you feel- nah. You don't… this is why I don't trust anyone….you both know what she is talking about and don't explain shit to me. Adisa said.

Frost looked down at Adisa with a strange look in his expression.

"It's for your safety. If you really knew what you were….who knows what kind of things you would think to do if someone was to talk to you about it." Frost said.

Adisa was now confused.

"Yea I understand." Adisa said.

(I don't trust that girl at all…but I feel like she is a good person. I just have to get her on my side). Adisa thought.

"Hey. Me,Jerome, and Xavier are going to the view spot. We would love it if you came." Frost said.

Adisa sat in silence for a moment.

"Yep,sure." Adisa said.

His voice was dead. No emotion in what he was saying.

Frost laughed and thanked Adisa for going with them.

Frost walked away and Adisa headed back home.

He said nothing as he walked in his house and slammed the door shut.

It was 2:00pm now in the evening.

Over at the blind village, summer had approached the gates.

The gates opened without her having to say anything.

Summer was headed to the middle of the clan. Which is where the leader stayed at.

People around her bowed as she reached the middle.

On the top of the building stood jade. Everyone in the clan was bowing at the sight of Summer.

"Well…what an amazing sight." Summer said.

Jade began to laugh.

"I see you haven't changed at all since I last saw you, summer. It's been like one year right? Jade asked.

Summer stood in place as Jade jumped from the building and walked over to Summer.

"Yea. It's been around one year. Summer replied.

Her and Jade shook hands with each other.

Jade looked around to see all of the clan bowing to them.

"Alright everyone…that's enough. Cary on with your Dailey routines and don't bother me. Jade yelled out to everyone.

"Here come inside." Jade said.

Jade and Summer went into the building. Inside there was a table with only two seats. One on each end of it.

They both took their seats.

"So then… is it true? You've found the little treasure that everyone on this island has been looking for?" Jade asked.

"Well we don't know for sure but….we believe we have found him. I could feel all of his potential power just flowing in the area. Even my own mother couldn't believe it." Summer said.

Jade smiled. That's very nice.

"Where is your father? I haven't heard from him in a while."

The room went silent for a little bit.

"He is dead…sadly." Jade said.

Summer looked shock as she heard the news.

"I thought you knew? I told every clan accept for the Kani." Jade said.

"No. I had no idea that he died. How did he die?" Summer asked.

Jade's smile disappeared from her face.

"The Kani clan killed him. Even though we were the ones that tried to help them….they still attacked my father, while he was right here were I'm sitting." Jade said.

"There were two people…one man and one women. I was one of the guards that stood outside of this room. And when thirty minutes went by I opened the door and found my father in the floor. With the people no where in sight. Then after finding my dad I tried to move him and found out fire was everywhere." Jade said.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry that happened. Your father was such a great man. It's not right." Summer said.

"Yes…but I know what I must do. But trust me this works out well now that we know who he i and we're his location is at. If since your mother wants him….this will work out perfectly." Jade said.

"I will shred that con down to its last spec of dirt. And take it over. With my own bare hands. Jade said.

Summer looked in at Jade with a smile on her face.

"He is a good person though…it's kinda weird. I've heard that the Kani clan is almost as strong as the Demon clan." Summer said.

"There are only ten people that are like hell of storing in the Kani clan. But I've heard they are killers, fierce fighters,cruel, and full of hatred. But Adisa… different I guess…unless it's just stories. Summer said.

"Does he know how to activate his true self or not?" Jade asked.

Summer replied with a no.

Jade had a disappointed look on her face.

"Our little plan will work. You guys will have him….mark my words. Plus we already know that both of our clans know he is the one. My father saw him fall from the ship that day." Jade explained.

Summer stood up and so did Jade.

Jade shook Summer's hand again and said.

"If you all get him….then we can crush this system. Weather he wants to join or not, we will take his power then." Jade said in a demanding voice.

Summer nodded in agreement.

Summer walked out the building and was headed back to the clan of the Skies.

Jade sat back on her chair and pulled out a picture of her mother and father.

"Udo has taken way to much from me…before Freedom comes revenge." Jade said.

They got on one knee and bowed to Jade.

"I want to test someone's strength…if he dies he dies. I don't care how important he is to our goal." Jade said.

A couple hours went by and it was now nine at night.

It was a full moon, stars shinning bright as ever, with a soft wind breeze.

Adisa,Frost,Xavier,Jerome, and Aubrie were all heading to the top of a mountain that was in their clan area.

All of them were on the highest point of the mountain…eating for the lights to show up.

"Jerome, we're the others?" Xavier asked.

"They won't even be in the clan for another month. Captain sent them on a mission somewhere….I forgot." Jerome said.

Adisa and Frost were talking on the right side. Both sitting on the edge and looking up at the sky.

"Yo, Adisa. Are you mad at me or something?" Frost asked.

"Nope…not at all. But if you know something about me. It would be wise to tell." Adisa said.

Frost looked even more up.

"Adisa…look at the stars. What do u think they are? Frost asked.

Adisa looked up.

"They are….uhh. Helium?" Adisa asked.

Frost let out a laugh and smacked Adisa on his back hard.

"Well it's were my people are from…and so are you." Frost said.

Adisa had a confused look on his face.

"The hell do you mean your people and me?" Adisa asked.

Frost smiled.

"You see the people that aren't on this island know the truth. At least there elite people do. Even people here don't tell the other people without our dna. But we aren't from here you know. That's why we have all these powers and what not. Their world feared us and put us here…..along with the bad people. Adisa, very star represents are home…and our gods." Frost said.

Adisa was listening with open ears.

"Now Adisa…what if I told you that you were"- Frost was interrupted by aubries loud laughing.

Xavier was tickling her.

Frost got up and walked over to them. Adisa quickly followed.

Frost wrapped his arms around both of them.

"You guys don't ever shut up." Frost said in a joking way.

Adisa looked over and saw Jerome sitting alone. His head down looking at the ground below them.

Adisa walked over and asked if he was ok.

Jerome said "no".

"I'm fantastic". He said.

Adisa let out a sigh of relief.

Aubrie climbed on his back and pointed to the lights that were showing up. Everyone looked up in amazement to see the sky.

It was green. It looked like a wave going through the sky, starts in the back, with different colors added to it.

All four of them looked in amazement.

Adisa looked to his left and saw all the smiles on their faces.

(I wouldn't trade you all for the world….hopefully in the future nothing will change about us…and I mean nothing). Adisa thought to himself.

Adisa looked back in the sky.

He had a blank expression on his face, him and Jerome.

(So that's y'all's home huh?). Adisa thought to himself.

"Interesting." He said.

Jerome out of everyone else was watching Adisa look up at the sky.

Jerome then turned his gaze to the night sky.

All four of them sat there until the lights disappeared from view.

All of them having a good time.

While in the blind clan a new enemy was emerging.