WebNovelIsland X19.05%


The beam hit Blaze and everyone behind him. Jack sat there laughing to himself at what he just did.

The smoke cleared and There where bodies everywhere.

And the clan was nothing more but dust.

Jack walked closer and closer to the dead bodies. He was looking for Blaze's.

Jack looked down and saw Blaze was still breathing.

Hack picked him up by his hair and looked him in the eyes.

"Blaze,In the end. Are ideals couldn't coexistence with one another."

"But you are a true man and leader."

"I'll kill you now so you can rest easily." Jack said.

"Ice sword."

Jack was getting ready to stab Blaze in his chest until he heard people coming from the forest.

It was Adisa,Summer,Jerome,and Xavier.

"Get your damn hands off of him." Adisa yelled in anger.

Jack froze in fear when he saw Udo come out last.

Jack dropped Blaze's body and ran off into the Forrest.

"Oh no. I'm not fighting the captain of the Kani just yet. From the stories I've heard…you won't catch me going anywhere near that maniac." Jack said as he ran off.

Adisa quickly ran after him.

"Adisa wait." Jerome yelled. Adisa didn't listen to him.

"WE SAW YOU. WE SEEN IT ALL JACK!!" Adisa yelled out.

Jack stopped dead in his tracks.

"We saw you about to lose, but then your punk ass lifted your hand to kill everyone else behind Blaze." Adisa said.

"All to distract him." He said.

"What the hell are you talking about? If you can't understand the fact he had fifty plus people giving him energy….then shut your mouth Adisa." Jack said as he disappeared into the dark forest.

"No matter where you go. In the future I swear I'll be the one to kill you." Adisa yelled out.

Addis turned his head and ran over to Blaze.

Blaze was on the ground struggling to breath.

"Come on. Keep breathing for me please." Adisa said with Tears running down his eyes.

Everyone surrounded Adisa holding Blaze's head off the ground.

"Y-you all did good today." Blaze said.

Adisa just stared into Blaze's eyes.

"Blaze There has to be survivors somewhere in the clan. Your whole clan can't be finished." Adisa said.

"No…trust me. My whole clan has been destroyed." Blaze said.

Everyone had a surprised look on their faces.

"Don't be upset though. You all did your best today, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart." Blaze said.

"But today was one of the saddest days and best days of my life. You see, my whole life this clan has treated me like dirt and put me down."

"All because I wasn't as strong as my father. People believed that I couldn't protect the clan from bad people. Which is what I've been doing for a couple years now….until now." Blaze said.

"It turns out they weren't wrong. But I relished something today. Today marked the day that they actually trusted me and helped me. They boosted me up and we all came close to victory."

"I just wish that I could get a rematch with Jack. Hahaha." Blaze coughed up some blood.

"Very soon….I'll be dead." Blaze said.

Adisa had a worried look on his face.

"No you can't. Your the last flame user." Adisa mentioned.

"Adisa….though are time talking you reminded me of me when I was your age. Alone and depressed."

"No one to talk to and much more pain."

"We share almost the same pain. Which is why we connected when we spoke, almost as if we were best friends." Blaze said with a smile on his face.

Summer bend done and held Blaze's head up with Adisa.

"If only I was strong enough." Blaze said.

"No you were great sir. You should have been the victor. Not Jack. He used a second attack in the end." Summer said.

"That may be true but…I won and lost. Because it's my duty to protect my kingdom and rule it's people. That's where I lost. But I won today also…. back my life."

"I won my life because I got people to finally accept me for who I was. Even after me losing control and killing some of my people…they still understood me."

"There is no greater pain then not being understood by your own people or being accepted by them." Blaze said.

"We just have to keep moving on. I know I'm not the perfect king. And even they knew that. But I'm the end….they helped me try." Blaze said.

Summer had a year run down her face also as Blaze kept on talking.

Everyone had a sad face on them except for Jerome.

"Everyone has had some pain with acceptance. I see it in you Adisa,Summer, a boy who was abused at a young age and his siblings, and you Udo." Blaze explained.

"You all need to keep moving forward in life. Be better then I was. Life isn't meant to be filled with revenge. It's meant to be a happy and uplifting person. To help better other lives." Blaze said.

"That's we are here, to uplift." Blaze said.

Blaze looked at Udo. "Udo…take good care of your group. They are very strong indeed."

Udo looked away with pain in his eyes.

Frost came running into the clearing and fell onto the ground next to Blaze.

"I'm so sorry. I couldn't stop them from coming back. I told Udo and them I'd watch them but once I told them everything they-", Blaze put his finger on Frost lips.

"There is no need to explain. You were brave enough to approach me in my ugly form." Blaze mentioned.

"If it weren't for you. I would have literally killed everyone in the clan. And kept the rampage going."

"So thank you….Frost."

"I know me and you aren't supposed to speak and I know we are different…but there needs to be change in This world. We may be different and taught to hate each other but I don't hate people."

Frost started crying along with Adisa and summer.

Udo started walking away, putting his hand on his head.

"Hopefully in the afterlife I can explain more to my dead people. You all better keep on living happy lives now." Blaze said.

Blood started going everywhere on the ground.

"I was finally loved by my people…father." He said with a smile on his face.

"Accept your self and love your self guys. It's one of the things that keeps the heart moving." Blaze said.

Blaze started closing his eyes. He could see all five of the people standing in front of him.

Blaze blinked once and could see a light room with everyone from his clan in it.

Blaze looked around and everyone stared at him.

"I'm sorry guys." Blaze said with tears in his eyes.

Everyone laughed and ran over to hug him. They we're apologizing to him also for not accepting the person he was.

Blaze held them all tight in his arms. As darkness started crowding the room.

Adisa, summer, Frost, Xavier, and Jerome all looked down at him.

"Thank you all.." Blaze said.

Blaze's body felt heavy as if he had given up on trying to hold his head up.

He was dead.

Adisa lates his head down and broke down crying.

"If only….if only I were stronger I could have helped him." Frost yelled.

"I was scared of fighting a strong opponent like that. Hell, I know it's my fault." Frost said.

Xavier walked over and hugged Frost tight.

"It's no ones fault. He said so himself to keep on living. So we will all get stronger together." Xavier said.

The sun started to disappear from the sky. Summer helped Adisa up and walked him over to the trees.

Xavier walked over with Frost to the clan's gate.

Jerome stared at the body of Blaze.

"I know my death won't be a decent one." Jerome said.

Jerome walked towards Udo were the sun was facing. It was getting dark now.

They all had a lot of mess to clean up also.

The sun was falling just how the life of a great leader did, including his kingdom.