WebNovelIsland X51.11%

The night calls

Everyone lined up their horses at the front of the gate. Crystal was the only one without a horse. "Ride with me or Aubrie", Udo said.

"There's no need for that" Crystal whispered as she dropped to all fours. That's something humans don't even do, Jerome thought as he stared her down. "Let's roll!" Udo yelled as everyone's horses took off towards the sky clan's mountain.

Crystal ran beside Udo's horse.


Silva sat on her throne as her guards stood beside her. The doors to her room swung open as a woman rushed in. "My queen, there's a man holding one of our soldiers hostage!" She screamed.

Silva jumped out of her throne and stormed out of the castle, with her guards following closely behind her.

Silva opened the doors to her castle and froze in her place.

"Originally, u was going to just watch over the light clan, the clan who doesn't get involved with anything or anyone. But, I found something out to tonight. I found out…that YOU know something, Silva" Marcel whispered as he held a pitch-black that looked to be made out of shadows to the woman's throat.

"Tell me everything you know" He yelled.

"About what?"

"The greatest threat to our people! Where is he? Where's…Adisa"

"He's dead. He's been gone for four years now. It's over, Marcel" The queen, Silva said.

"Where do you have his corpse? Do you know where it is? I need confirmation that the boy is dead!" Marcel argued.

"The only way to know exactly where they he is…it to find Frost and my daughter" Silva explained.

"Your daughter should be here. Find her at once!" Marcel ordered.

"Watch your tone when you speak to me…you damn man" Silva snarled. "If your daughter doesn't come to me right now, I'll kill this warrior!" Marcel threatened.

"Don't listen to him" she said.

"What shall we do my queen?"

Silva studied the situation. Summer…isn't here. She left not long ago. But…I can lie to Marcel and tell him that she's here but in a remote area of the clan! If that happens…I'll have to kill him, then hide the body, Silva thought to herself.

"She's here." Silva admitted.

"Bring her outside! I'm not moving from this spot." Marcel ordered.

"Everyone stay calm! It's already losing power." The queen said.

"Losing power? What is she-", Marcel looked at his shadow blade and noticed the shadows shrinking around it. His powers were beginning to weaken. "Shit! I forgot about her damn ability!" Marcel said as he looked up and noticed an army of soldiers surrounded him. I was caught off guard. Well played, Silva. Marcel jumped back into the darkness and teleported on top of the castle.

"Im starting to get annoyed, Silva" Marcel yelled out. "Don't you dare look down on me! You have no right to come here and-"

"No right?" Silva heard in her ear as Marcel now held his sword to her throat. "When did you-"

"That's enough, Marcel. Put the blade down or I'll put you down" Udo threatened as the troops emerged from the darkness of the gates.

"We need to find truth! This is-"

Marcel was stunned to see himself behind the troops. "When did I-"

He looked up at the castle and noticed green glowing eyes. "There you are…Summer" Marcel laughed. "What do you want?" She asked as she floated to the ground.

"Show me. Where's Adisa?" Marcel asked.

Summer looked around at Udo and everyone else. "I….don't know-"

"We want to make sure he's dead! There's been another killing in the clan and we have reason to believe….he's not dead" Udo said.

Summer stared at Udo for a while. "Even if he was out…you'd like that. Adisa was like a son to you, Udo. At least, he was a replacement of your actual ones" Summer said.

"So…you and Frost had something to do with it?" Jerome stepped up and asked.

"Yes. Me, Frost, my mother, and Jack…all killed Adisa"

Jerome surrounded his body with aura, creating huge winds that almost pushed Summer back.

"I'll….kill all of you!" Jerome threatened.

"Calm down, Jerome. If my theory is correct…Adisa isn't dead. She's probably lying to Marcel to keep him off her ass" Udo whispered.

Summer kept staring at Jerome as he calmed down. "You've changed, Summer" Jade said.

"And you've gotten weaker" Summer said back.

Marcel jumped between both groups. "Summer….wether Udo is lying about wanting Adisa dead or not…I still need confirmation! Help me save the world how you did…Summer" Marcel said as he kneeled to Summer.

Summer barley spoke. She just stared with her glowing green eyes. "We all can go see. But Jerome and Xavier, the both of you stay" Summer said.

"The hell did you just say? You expect me to stay here!?" Xavier argued.

Summer snapped her fingers and phased through everyone. "You'll do it…because Udo won't let you!" Summer whispered. "My own mother…wants Adisa alive. But we're the true hero-"

"Heroes? Are you kidding?" Marcel laughed as he pointed at Summer. "You were working with Udo and these…damn animals when you were younger, right? They killed, stole, hell even kidnapped people for their own benefits! The true heroes…are the higher-ups!" Marcel laughed.

Summer turned her head. "I'm not a troop anymore. I stopped following these people. If it weren't for you, Marcel. I would've killed them by now, they know that. I don't talk to any of them. They're…nothing to me. My mom….is nothing to me anymore." Summer whispered.

"So all those memories…your telling me you have no regret!? You don't miss a little bit of what you had!? You had a family! And you decided to kill the only person at the time, who actually cared about you! You have no regrets at-"

"Jade….shut up." Summer said with an evil-like glare in her eyes.

Summer and Crystal locked eyes. "Follow me everyone" Summer said.

Marcel jumped into the shadows, while Udo, Silva, Jade, Crystal, and Aubrie all followed on their horses.


A group of men sat in the cold and dark office. "You did a great job with that speech, Brian."

"Thank you, sir. But that is just the beginning of why I arranged this secret meeting today" Brian said as he pulled out a world map and put it on the table.

"Why're you showing us this?" A man asked sitting across the room.

"I want you men to take a long and good look at our world map. Think about all the mysteries of our world and the unknown creatures. For example, the Bermuda Triangle, a place known for things to disappear out of thin air. Think about all of the air planes, people,and objects that have disappeared! These things are connected to their world! I believe it's a portal! Same thing with all the unclassified creatures we know of!they're stories of the loc less monster, Bigfoot, Moth-man, so-called Ghost, and many more creatures that can easily kill mankind! These are creatures not from our world. What about the flight 370!? You men think the plane just randomly disappeared?, well no! We as people need to check these things before it gets out of hand! UFOs, everything that's not human! We must investigate these portals around the world and destroy them" Brian explained.

"Okay…but how do you even know that these creatures aren't from our world? We already know they're portals and I do like your theory with certain areas of the world. But…I don't really believe portals to another world are just…on another planet." A man said.

"Can you explain all disappearing planes in the triangle area?" Brian asked. Everyone sat in silence.

"I want to send soldiers to the triangle, to see if we can find anything strange. I even want people to dive into the ocean and see what's down there" Brian said.

The men at the table all looked at each other. "Brian, you come from a very powerful and smart family. Are you sure about this? You'll be the leader of this mission, you know that your life is on the line, right?"

"Yes. But for mankind…I'll gladly risk my life. So call the military. get some ships and planes ready on the double. We'll all see the truth and if my theory is correct or not!"

"Fine. We'll give you some soldiers. But be careful out there, Brian. We will need you to lead the whole world to the greatest threat yet"

"Yes sir"

Brian walked out the room. "It's only a matter of time…before I finally save the world"

Next chapter: The Discovery