Chapter 7

I sat in my mother's living room while she sits folding laundry. Tony is in the dining room at the table coloring in one of her coloring books. My mother and I were talking about how she was happy that Bobby and I started at least being civil. I zoned out on the conversation and started thinking about how it had been a little over a week since I ran into Anthony's mother. The conversation was short but still uncomfortable.

"Chanaé... Chanaé" I hear my mother call my name.

"Yes?" I answer

"What were you thinking about that you zoned out like that?" She asked pausing on her folding.

"So last week I ran into someone from my past while I was in Walmart."

"Who did you run into that has you so out of it?"

"I ran into Anthony's mother" I answered

"Oh, wow. How was that conversation? She asked

"It was awkward for me but it also made me panic because she was talking to Tony."

"You let her talk to Tony?" My mom questioned

"No, I was at the register and tony was in the carriage behind me as I was paying for everything and I hear her talking to someone and the person was asking her innocent questions like her name and how old she was so I wasn't really worried until I turned and saw who it was."

"Did you tell her who Tony was?" She asked

"No, I did not. I didn't tell Anthony I am sure enough not about to tell his mother and let him find out that way. I didn't even think that she would still be in Connecticut let alone that she would be shopping at Walmart."

"You don't think that you should tell him? I mean she had to put two and two together." My mother must have lost her mind. It is too late and I damn sure don't need Anthony in my life. I also don't want to have Tony in the fame and spotlight as his child.

"Ma, honestly I don't want her to be in that life and he is doing ok without having the knowledge of him having a child and she is fine not knowing him also."

"You are doing this by yourself, and don't get me wrong you are doing a great job but it's a lot easier when you have help. I raised you, kids, by myself for a while and I did it but I loved it when I had your dad's help and then again when I got together with Keith. I am not trying to tell you what to do I just want you to be happy and not make life harder than it has to be." I understood what she was saying but I am honestly happy with the life that Tony and I have.

"I understand what you are saying Ma, I do but I am happy with the life that we have"

"Chanaé, when is the last time you have gone out, I can't even remember the last time you were in a real relationship. Shit, I hope you at least have had friends with benefits." My head snapped up at my mother's comment. I do not want to talk about my sex life with my mother.

"I try and go out. And we are not having a conversation about my sex life." I heard the front door open and close before I hear Bobby say hello to Tony. Bobby walks into the living room with his three-year-old son James. That took my mother's whole attention seeing her grandson. James runs into my mother's arms and Bobby takes the seat on the same sofa as my mother.

"Aww Grandma's baby," My mother says to James as she snuggles him

"What are you guys up to?" Bobby ask

"Nothing just came to see Ma for a while, what are you up to?" I watch as my mom puts James down and tells him to go play with his cousin. I watch as James goes and sits with Tony and I watch her share her coloring book and crayons with him.

"I just came from picking James up at his mom's." Bobby answers

"How is Susanna?" I ask, even though Bobby and I weren't talking I did get to know his baby mother a little while they were together. I didn't like her like that because she always purposely got under Bobby's skin so she can get him out of character. I was kind of happy when he ended it but she sure as hell makes his life a living hell since they are not together.

"Same as always, telling me where I can take my son and who he can and cannot be around. She gets on my nerve if it wasn't for James I would block her hateful ass." Bobby answered

"Mouth." My mother said to Bobby about him cursing especially because the kids were not that far away. The dining room was not close but because he was talking louder little louder than usual they would be able to hear him.

"Sorry Ma, you know how Susanna irks my nerve." He apologized.

"Stop letting her, you're giving her more power than she needs to have in your life. Also, you guys have been separated for over two years, you guys should have a better way to communicate with each other."

"I try but it's like unless I am with her she doesn't want to be peaceful or for me to be happy. I don't talk to her about anything unless it's about James, I make sure to be respectful and I give her money every week, while also making sure to get James the things that she needs for him. I make sure that I spend as much time as I can with James, which I love, but even that she finds ways to get under my skin by doing things like sending him to her mom's house or some other family member house when it's a day that I am supposed to have him" Bobby looked frustrated.

"Have you talked to her about just having a set schedule for your time with James?" My mother asked him

"Yes, But I will again. It's like talking to a wall that argues back for no reason." He answered.

"I agree with you Bobby I think that she wants you miserable because you are not with her. I think you should talk to her because the fact that you are dating someone again is only going to get worse if you don't and I like Lisa I would hate to see her drive her away." I explained to Bobby

"Let's change the subject I don't like talking about what she does negatively when I have James."

"That is good." My mother said as she put her folded clothes back into the laundry basket.

"Chanaé I wanted to talk to you about something," Bobby said and I looked up from my phone where I was texting Trina.

"What's that?" I asked.

"Anthony messengered me like a week ago letting me know that he was in town and that we should get together" Wait what the hell did he just say.

"Excuse me?" I say just stunned.

"Yes, I am supposed to meet him later today for beers and pizza."

"Why would you meet him?"

"I mean we were friends and have not talked to each other since you ended it, maybe he wants to catch up."

"When did he message you?"

"The day that I last saw you here"

"The day that I went to the store for Ma?"

"Oh my God" My mother shouted

"Ma Your loud" I whispered

"Sorry," She said

"Wait what's going on?" Bobby asked looking confused

"That is the day I saw Anthony's mother in Walmart," I responded