The KEllen

most of the time I woured how I learn things..

you see most people know that they have won in things they do but the truth comes in when you realize that your happiness don't fail in line with your KEllen and you became unsatisfied, that's why you hear believers say as I cout " you can never be satisfied with all you have gain because you will want some thing bigger or better only if you follow Christ"

as long as your KEllen is been controlled by your fresh (body) is the one in charge.. you will never be free from Religious slavery... we Africans are Spiritual not religious... I'm not saying Religious is wrong noo it's not but for An Africans its wrong.. because we Africans were and still the longest human Man ever lived on Earth ever recorded in history library,, we blacks are father's of all birth colors we see moving-_ that why Mr Gama said in 66 darkness peom+" Darkness is a place were you can create any thing you would like to bring out to light while light is a place were it's impossible to create which you want because it already there"+-_ because of this our fathers back in time fought .and hatred started in the World,, the land dividend among the wins the loser's in slavers ,, burning down their history,, killed the Wisdom keepers and everyone who again any understanding.. and the wins gathered together and form the God to control Africa and other countries Religiously ,, as time went we who were born under Religious never had the chances of winning , that's why great Man died like +Martin Luther King Jr.Cause of death

Assassination by gunshot+Henry Johnson+2Pac+ you can't fight a belief but we can come to gather and live like we wants because we all have the KEllen.. that wish things could be better,, were trust is free ,, no need to lock your door but why is it not happening like that because now those win of today don't know why this was form ,,, it's even bringing more hatred not only to Africans but the world at large ... because we are going in the Aquarius time leave the Piesce Realm.. you are beginning to ask yourself questions like how come,, if it's true then how..

we are one from one Life force we share and Connected to one KEllen.... that's why things make you cry,, smile even if that person causing those feeling you have never's the KEllen in you