Jesus just a Guy

Many of us have this picture of Jesus as a passive white guy that speaks in hushed tones and, for some reason, is always holding a sheep. That picture is wrong on many levels. And maybe the biggest mistake we could make is thinking of Jesus as a mild-tempered, never raised his voice, kind of guy. That was not Jesus. He got mad on many occasions. The question we need to ask is: what lifestyle he lived many of us know only he was 30years ,,3:years story ..(by Mr Gama Jesus was rude to his parents)

26 "In your anger do not sin": Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry,

And Jesus was angry about it.Ephesians 4:26

This is most clearly seen in John 11:35, the shortest verse in the Bible: "Jesus wept." Jesus was so overcome by the human condition,(you seen) the death a friend faced, that he wept. 

I think in this moment Jesus is reacting to the fallen condition of his people. He is distraught that people he cares for are experiencing pain. He was not overcome with grief over the loss of a friend

Jesus feels empathy, but he responds with anger. In John 11:38, Jesus was deeply moved and yelled for Lazarus to come out. Jesus was mad over the human condition. (by Mr Gama all he wanted was to change the condition of his brothers and sisters, how he wish he had the power to stop death and knew If death finds me who will bring him back)That's the short version of that story,

2. Rules Being Placed Over People

And let's be honest, we are no better today, are we?

Jesus continually broke the rules that the religious set up take note *continually brokes*. Now to be clear, Jesus didn't break the law that God had established because he understood himself been one with God himself so he broke the extra rules the religious leaders put in place to protect the law, and that made a lot of people mad.

Maybe the best example is Jesus healing on the Sabbath (Matthew 12:10, Luke 13:10-17, Luke 6:7, John 9:16). To the religious leaders, that was a no-no, because you were supposed to rest.but he followed his inner KEllen

Jesus pushed back on this attitude and showed that people were more important not God religious leaders clams ,,He healed people right in front of the Pharisees(Pastors)", just to show how serious he was.

at this point we Mr Gama *what was important to Jesus people and he made Christians mad at him

just like today I Mr Gama I'm making other christians mad with his understanding

3. Kids Being Pushed Aside

One time, the disciples tried to rebuke Jesus for the time he was giving to kids… Big mistake. Jesus wasn't having it and insisted that kids deserve a seat in the kingdom of God (Mark 10:13-16, Matthew 19:13-14). We often push kids aside,, in most part of Africa a child who is close to the father of Been female the people will tell his wife careful with your Daughter around his father same with the mother that why he rebuked his followers and said to them in Mark, but Jesus never did.

I'm not the most emotional person, but since having a child of my own, I find myself exponentially more emotional about anything regarding kids. It's hard for me to not get choked up when I see a story about a sick, abused, or neglected child so if I be a leader I would do the same