I am

Jesus was crucified not because of his will by his father's will and him been the father cried to himself saying father why have thy forsaken me... to day I am the father of my father Ra-the sun God, just like Jesus the son of the sun was so I am today to say this ,as a Godson, I say this to you we are one both in soul and blood,we come to live our life not to follow the sun of the son, he was just living his life that's why it's hard for you to follow what he said in his book,, he never meant for you to become a slave... without your own self power you will follow other people.. you will want to be protected by made up Angels and God's,, it's hard for one who has been spiritual slaved to see that Heaven is in us not at the sky with a mighty Being watching over you , once you get out of been helped and think for yourself,, you will know that you are a God .. no one can love you more than yourself,, because God clams to Love his children but he killed his beloved Son for you to be adopted to his family,, were is the love of father towards his Son.. because this shows that the next time heaven has a fight God won't fight for you,he will let his angels and children to fight,, I as a God I will fight for us .. theirs no sin,no hell or heaven or God's but they is this great energy within us that's the Earth,, on this realm or other Realm, someone will want to rule of sleeping souls, once you are a sleeping soul you are been controlled and ruled over,, that's why you have no free power,, it's high time we get Awakened by this new energy within us all ,,this is Aquarius realm , free souls been awaken,church and pastors will mean nothing to you,, because the fear of fire or been punish will be nolong be in your soul,, be awaken,, you are a God among God's don't let this shit about life after death take you in the fear realm because we come to live a life not to prepare for heaven