Rinne Advanced School

There were 7 days until the beginning of his first term at Rinne Advanced School. Colin woke up, without the help of his mother (which was quite unordinary) and with the help of the mobile phone, he navigated his way to the train station. There were many people like him, wearing uniforms from schools all over Kyn. He gulped, this was his first time travelling away from home to somewhere completely new. A new life, hunting monsters and fighting dungeons.

"Wow!" He murmured while he took a step into the train. Because of the long trip to many schools, this train was full of rooms that the students were able to live in. Colin's school was not too far away so he took a seat by the side of the train. Looking through the window he saw many extraordinary creatures: scaled birds, two headed fish jumping out of the crystal clear waters. He also saw a lot of monsters hunting prey, thinking that he'd be hunting them down in the near future, his excitement spiked up.

A passive voice suddenly sounded through the train, "Stop 101, Rinne Advanced School. Please exit via the left hand side doors." Finally he was had arrived. As Colin stood up he thought of what his school would be like. A huge castle with a long moat? A town with many different stores and houses? Who knows, maybe it could be in the sky among the clouds and the birds.

With a hiss of air releasing from the doors of the train, Colin stepped out and saw... He saw nothing? A huge patch of grass in front of their eyes, the grass was well trimmed and if you looked at it from Colin's angle, you could not see the end. The students that had gotten off at this stop, looked at each other with confusion in their eyes. This was it?

Colin took an uncertain step forwards, the other students all watched him like he was going to die. All of a sudden, the ground started to tremble shaking all the students including Colin onto the ground. The patch of grass that Colin was standing on started to rise higher and higher. He leapt back with a squeal of fright, back onto the platform everyone else was standing on. As the grass started to rise, rocks and patches of earth started to fall off making a natural fog-like illusion. A platform rose up from the bottomless pit of darkness that was uncovered from the opening of the grass. The platform stopped level with the ground, it was a circular piece of metal that had a railing around it. Everyone quickly stepped onto it with the fear that it would start to descend before they got on.

When the students were all safely on the platform, glass extended out and created a dome around them. A calm female voice sounded into everyone's ears, "Good morning students, I am the vice-principal May and welcome to Rinne Advanced School. This school will help you cultivate and increase your power to its full potential. There are 6 ranks of power you are able to obtain internationally: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond and Emerald. Each rank represents your level of power and how strong you are. To increase in ranking, the school has many training facilities such as gravity centres, gyms and even personal training rooms in your own block. In order to help with your training, the school has a coin system that will get rewarded for winning special events and earning money off selling resources or completing quests set by people in need. These coins are able to be exchanged for armour, weapons and different materials that will increase the efficiency of your work. For the normal students who have enrolled into this school, you will start off with 25 coins and the specially enrolled students will be rewarded with an extra 25 coins making their amounts 50. To find out how many coins you have, or what ranking you are in the school, you will be given modified phones to find these things out. I am looking forward to meeting your keen faces in person, if you have any further questions, please contact me or the staff. They will always be there to help you no matter what. So be sure to keep safe while learning in this magnificent school!"

Gasps sounded through the crowd of students as the specially enrolled students got to get double the normal amount of coins. Not only that, but they would be able to obtain a device that would help them with their cultivation. Who would not be hyped about this good news? Colin thought. Also I wonder what the benefits of having double the normal amount of coins will do me?

The platform suddenly trembled slightly, a few yelps of surprise and fear echoed through the dome, they were going to start descending into Rinne now. As the glass dome they were standing in was slowly descending, the students had their faces pressed against the walls not wanting to miss any amazing sight. Around them, many rooms were in orderly chunks, each chunk of rooms were different colours representing different wings of the school. It was a truly amazing sight, everyone stared in awe at the many colours passing before their eyes. They could see people working inside them through the huge windows on the sides. It was mostly teachers though, as they were preparing for the incoming term 7 days from now. The only students around were covered in sweat whilst they were working hard to train themselves.

Colin was very excited and as soon as the dome stabilized itself, he was the first one to rush out. "Lucky I was not squashed by the rushing crowd of students, and the fact that I do not have to line up for the queue is such a relief!" He mumbled to himself looking at the huge line of students next to him. Because he was a specially enrolled student, he got something like a VIP line and there were only a few people there. In his line, there were only 4 people, a blue-haired boy who was wearing the clothes that any cool, or in other words bully would wear. But the only thing that let his cold look down was the nervous expression on his face. Colin could tell he was wearing the clothes to make himself seem braver, he knew this because he had tried it before too.

The other two people was an eye-catching girl standing next to a boy who was tall and muscly. They looked similar so Colin guessed they might've been siblings. The blue haired boy from before was also staring at Colin with a hint of curiosity in his eyes, maybe because of his red eyes.

Guessing that the boy was lonely, Colin walked over and asked, "Hello umm, Friend. I am Colin and I guess we will be schoolmates from now on so..." He gave an awkward smile and patted the fellow student of his on the back. The boy's eyes glimmered and he reluctantly told Colin his name and some information. "Hi Colin, I am Mike and am also new to this extraordinary school! I was specially enrolled here and it seems that you have also come here new as well!" The boys both had a warm feeling in their bodies because they had both made their first friends in Rinne. It would relieve them of the unfamiliar and loneliness of coming to a new school.

"Here are your student phones that you must always carry with you no matter what. If you lose it, or it gets taken away, a fee of 50 coins must be taken away from your account for a new one. Please enjoy your stay!" The receptionist handed Colin and Mike two phones that had different pictures on the back of them. Colin's had a two rifles in a cross pattern and Mike's had a tree on it. "These phone covers were designed in order to fit in with your powers!" The man explained pointing at the pictures. Your rooms are at Bedroom Wing 3 - No. 24. Both boys jumped with glee, "We are roommates now!"

"Will you please head to your room now, there are people waiting behind you..."