Arriving at the store

Colin sat on his bed reading the description of the dagger over and over again. He held it and swung it around like he was a master at it. But this was because he had the S-class power Weapon Mastery. He knew that the almighty system definitely had something to do with it. "Host, you have finished the [Starry Night Dagger] quest. You may now obtain the rewards."

The bright screen appeared again and on it, there was a glowing gift present box. Colin pressed on it and multiple pictures flew out and neatly stacked on top of each other.

[User obtained 5 items]

[Level 1 Shop]

[Skill Book - S-class]

[2x Lucky Raffle Tickets]

[Beast Egg]

Colin was surprised that the system was that generous. Even the people in the novel he was reading was not that lucky. So, the system wanted for him to be a cultivation shop owner. "So I should start a business, and start my new life this way." He murmured with glee. Being a cultivation shop owner was his dream since he had come to this world. And just like this, it was going to come true! He clicked on the Level 1 shop icon that had popped up on his profile and it showed the whereabouts it was.

When he had first arrived here, he had found out that his father was dead and his only relative was his mother. From then on Colin wanted to help his poor mother live a happier life since his family was very low on money. This was amazing, he could not only help his mother but also make her live a great life. Coming out of his daydream, he looked at the location of his dreamed shop.

The shop itself was nicely placed on the corner of a crossroad in the city. That was where many people lived and all the wealthy people were there as well. Every shop around the city cost more than 5 million dollars and the amount he was given from the school (50 000) was already considered to be an extremely large amount.

The skill book was a pleasant surprise, reading the description, it looked like it was a randomized skill giver. What was even better about it, was that it was an S-class skill book. These were very rare. "System why are you so generous?" He laughed with glee not even bothering to read the description of the raffle tickets. After all, it was probably just a random item giver!

He looked at the description of the beast egg: This mysterious egg is said to hold a beast that can balance evil and good. Take good care of it. "Is that all, I thought it would say more. System, why can't you explain things clearer, damn it."

"Warning, do not curse the system, one warning left."


Colin stomped on the ground in frustration, this system was just so arrogant. Colin rolled his eyes and went back to the skill book. He pressed on it.

Suddenly, a bright light came out in front of his eyes blinding him for several seconds. After the flashing lights disappeared, in his hands was a red book with golden patterns on it.

[Received - S-class skill | Identification]

Identification? Colin opened the book reading the description of the move. The name is self-explanatory, you can identify any item or living thing for their stats. That would be important for when I go to kill monsters for their resources for the shop and also finding out not to underestimate any strong people that look weak on the outside.

Putting a few sets of clothes and some ordinary items into his school bag, Colin signed himself out at the reception and stepped onto the glass dome elevator. The elevator then slowly rose towards the train stop. He was going to the shop to check it out and maybe to start the business. After all, there were six days until the school term started.

[Quest received - Get your shop up and running]

[You have until the start of the school term]

[Rewards: World Portal + ???]

"Oops, I've started another quest. This one seems pretty hard, I need to get the store up and running meaning I need to start serving customers. Not too bad I think. Maybe I could invite my mother over to help when the term starts." Colin stared at the new quest blankly, this would be a hard one. Usually, when a store owner starts a new shop, it would take an average of a whole month to get a first customer and he would have to get it up and running in 6 days. What a harsh system!

After a long while, Colin arrived in the city. It was a huge land that had many skyscrapers that were filled with people living there. Because of the mass population here, many shop owners would dream to be here. It was the ideal location to start a business. Colin walked along the well-lit streets, it was dusk and many restaurants were filled with hungry customers. The smell of roast pork and steak filled the air. Colin couldn't help but wipe the drool off of his mouth. Many signs were glowing neon with many lights, theatres and movie ads were playing on them.

He had never been to the city, so he never knew what it was like to live in such a positive and energetic environment. "This is amazing!" he shouted as he ran down the street enjoying the luxuries of city life. "So my shop is in the middle of the city, what a great spot!"

Colin spotted his little store at the corner of an extremely busy crossing. There were many people gathered around it muttering things like. "I wonder what this new shop will be selling," and "Hope it is a restaurant, my son is tired of eating ramen and rice!"

The was a sign on the top of the shop that flickered to life as soon as Colin came near it. The background of the sign was something like a night sky and four glowing words were shining with light written on it. "Starry Night Cultivation Store, wow a cultivation resource store. I was waiting for one of those to open here!"

"Yeah, the ones the nobles have opened are all way too expensive."

"Finally, a saviour to save our money!"

As Colin walked over, he opened the door. It wasn't locked which was weird. But the other people could not open it. "Host, I have used special touch technology so only you can open it until you unlock it!" Colin smiled at the efficiency of the system.

The store inside was very decorated, when you first came in, you would see black polished floors with white spots all over them. It was just like the starry sky, the stars on the ground flickered every few seconds. The walls and the rooves were also the same. There was a counter that was black but had bright blue edges and it stood out in the darkness. On the counter was a computer that Colin did not know the brand of. "The computer is like a cashier and also acts as a normal one as well.

Along the walls were display cases, each case had a name banner and an information section on the bottom as well. These cases were split into elemental groups: Darkness, Water, Earth, Air, Poison, Metal, Wood and Fire. Along the other wall were cabinets for beast eggs to hatch and other miscellaneous items were held on shelves that were glowing with bright blue light.

"Are you sure that this is a level one store, it should be a level one hundred one." Colin was too shocked to even realise that there were people pressed on the windows looking at the dazzling interior of the shop."

"Positive, the store can be upgraded many levels and will improve even more after you earn more income or get more customers."

Suddenly a thought hit Colin hard, why not open the raffle tickets now. So he pressed on the first one.

{CONGRATULATIONS the host has received an egg...]

a normal one...