Chapter 2: A strange and unknown place

After some time, I woke up from the sound of the wind, howling under my ear. I sat on the bed and realized that I was in a strange wide room. The curtains were blowing because of the open windows. the walls were painted crimson red, with patterns drew by gold. The bed was a big king bed, and the sheets were red as well, with golden threats. There was a huge closet, and in front of her, a table made of brown wood. 2 chairs were at each corner, and a big mirror was next to the closet.

I quickly got off the bed and looked outside the window. the ground was far from where I was, which made me worried. I quickly went to the door and tried to open it, but it was locked.

"anyone, help" I screamed. As I was banging at the door, I heard some footsteps coming toward the door. the door opened and I looked at the person standing in front of me. it was him, the strange vampire-looking guy from the morning.

"you, let me go," I said. he looked at me and locked the door behind him. I felt the tension, something I never felt before. he looked at me, he was about to eat my soul, when he had a warm look on his face. then he came closer and gave me a hug.

"what are you trying to do, leave me alone," I said while pushing him away.

"you don't remember me, princess," he said, with a worried look.

"I'm not a princess, I'm a common university student who got kidnapped by a psycho who thinks himself that is a vampire," I said when I didn't notice. he quickly put his thumb onto the middle of my forehead. everything went white. my memories were blurred. everything I saw was a woman, dressed like a medieval princess, with a sword in her hand. she had a thorned rose mark on her shoulder, and, a vampire was with her. my mind was shuffling. I couldn't think anymore, everything I saw, was like I lived, the exact moments. it was as if I was that person. the princess was me, my memories were about myself.

"wh...what, do, to me," I said, as I was walking backward. I was sweating, and I was shivering. everything was blurry, my mind was shutting off, as I was about to drop on my knees, he quickly grabbed me.

"L...Leave me alone" I said, but he didn't budge. I felt weaker and weaker. he carried me to the bed and carelessly put my head on the soft pillow, then, he squatted next to me.

"L...Lucas" I said, as I remembered everything now. He looked at my eyes and softly put his hand onto my forehead. He looked at me with those brown eyes, as they turned red and eased my headache. He was so gentle with me, which made me feel that he is not that bad of a person.

"how, why I never knew who I was?" I asked him, my voice was trembling. He looked at me.

"Someone must have blocked your memory, from not knowing who you truly are princess," he said.

"Sleep well princess, tomorrow is the day we will be going back to the university," he said, kissing my forehead. I fell asleep, and the time passed by slowly