Chapter 10: the closest feeling to death, that isn't death

Do you know, this genuine feeling, that you get after a week, of overworking yourself, and burning out, and, God knows what kind of feeling you'll get from not sleeping, drinking coffee all day, and being in front of the computer 24/7 while chatting with a bunch of people who might never know what they are talking about, like me, in the first place?

yeah, that is me now. A state, where I just want to perish and die.

It's Sunday, which means, tech week comes tomorrow, after some hours. I'm on my computer, talking with the group, about the roles and how the theater will be, and omg. I've never felt so stupid in my life. Remember when I told you that a snowball was about to roll down the mountain and crush everything, here it is. I had my role, which I knew like, I know my name. But, God how they messed up.

"Guy's, please, just stick to your own roles, revise it, and it will be all good. Think of it as if you are really having that conversation, and, be the character" I said. My best friend took the mute off.

"But, how are we gonna ignore the 500 people, and, the cameras, and everything?" she asked.

"Yeah, it's kinda hard, and, um, I'm kinda nervous," a student asked.

"guys, take a deep breath, we are in this together, okay. If Robert Downey Junior didn't say, that he is gonna play his role as Iron Man, and, ignoring all the cameras around him, he wouldn't be where he is now." I said. Everyone stood quiet for a second, then, they agreed.

The day of the play came, and, I was in backstage. I was wearing a black outfit since i was playing a girl who tried to save her friends from a very dangerous situation. I was playing my role when my best friend came in.

"Are you seriously saying that it's our fault?" she said, screaming. I looked at her, the expression on my face, was shocking, and, exhausting.

"yes, I do, Because, dear parents, you weren't there, but you told me that you'll save them I was the only one, who went there, in the fire, while you were at home, watching me through the tv screen. I was about to sacrifice myself, for my friend, and you are simply telling me that it's not your fault" I screamed back. She looked at me, shocked.

"No one told you to go and save them," the other said

"you gotta be kidding me. THEY ARE MY FRIENDS" I yelled, as I yelled, I felt strange energy growing inside of me.

"How can you talk to me with that tone," my best friend said.

"stop," I said, but she continued her role. I broke down, as I broke down, power immerged from my body, it felt like, something exploded, leaving everything pitch black in front of my eyes. I could hear screams, and, people asking for help, while I was under the ruins of the theater. I couldn't breathe.

"H...Help me" I asked. my voice shaking. I couldn't feel my legs, and, my hand, was covered in blood. I could see the light, when, I felt someone grabbing me and carrying me from the ruins. I could recognize the smell. It was Lucas.

"L...Lucas" I said, my head embraced in his chest.

"Are, the others'" I continued when he cut me

"They are fine, it's just you, who got badly injured," he said. I felt the wind on my body, and, it made me feel uncomfortable.

"L...Lucas" I said, mumbling. he looked at me and kissed me on my forehead.

"Yes, doll," he asked.

"I...I love you" I said, before losing consciousness. my eyelids were slowly closing, as I was in his arms.