Chapter 21

As I was about to walk out of my room, I saw Lucas in front of the door. He was looking at me, and, precisely, at my neck.

"Is there something wrong Lucas?" I asked him when he got inside and locked the door from inside. I asked if he need anything, but, he gave me a warm hug, as I patted his back. Then, he closed the curtains shut and grabbed my waist. My back was facing the wall, and he grabbed me then made sure my legs were locked onto his waist. As he grabbed my wrist by his other hand and tied them, he kissed me gently on the lips. I couldn't resist his charm and his affection. He kissed my neck, then carried me to bed. As he put me onto the bed, he tore my clothes and kissed my neck till he bit it so profoundly, and suck my blood. then, he unhooked my brassier. he opened my legs and took off my underwear, then, tied my legs into the pol of the bed, and, slowly opened my lower part with a special metal part that they used in old ages. I was screaming from pain, but no one was hearing me, and, he brought his lips near my lower part and started licking the inside of it, after it, he inserted his lower part into mine. after some time, he licked my belly, and I felt a very warm feeling. I was breathless, as I saw that he was drawing a rune with a special instrument. it made my skin burn, and, before I could say anything, he was already casting a spell with his hand. my legs were shaking, and he closed my mouth with his hand. I couldn't breathe, nor make any sound. He hushed me, and, I felt dizzy. Tears were rolling down my face, and he slowly massaged my belly. I felt that I was with a psychopath, a monster, but he didn't give me a chance for me to breathe. he tied me

closed my mouth with a cloth so that I can't say a word. after 2 hours of torture, I saw him coming with a tray of surgical equipment. he injected a serum into my body which left me numb, but conscious. I could see my parents looking at me from the side of the door. Where they were the ones who ordered him to do so, but, I heard someone screaming.

"LEAVE HER ALONE," someone said. It was Lucas, and, as soon as the person saw him, he transformed into another vampire and disappeared. I looked at Lucas and shook my head. He quickly arrived and took off the cloth that was tied into my mouth.

"Please, save me, don't leave me here" I begged, as he hugged me tight, and, burned the ropes

"I shouldn't have left you here with your parents, I'm here now, don't worry," he said and hugged my naked body. He helped me change into comfortable clothes and brought me food as I ate and cried.

"I'm here, no need to cry, okay, but, how could you leave him to come inside? didn't we talk about it?" he asked, with a soft voice.

"I didn't know it was gonna be another person, I thought it was you," I said. He kissed my forehead and calm me till we slept together.

the next day I work up, and, I heard that he told my parents to leave the castle for good.