Revealing the truth

Kashif reached his house and stood before the huge gate decorated with sea pearls and guarded by skilled warriors. He always felt they were wasting their talents but he knew they owed his family too much. After all, they were trained by grand uncle Amaan. His qualified pupil followed his path and taught useless people.

Others might not notice but Kashif knew Amaan had strengthened the economy of Kinma State with various generous acts. He admired him but also felt disgusted for an unknown reason.

A guard took his horse and headed inside, gesturing him to go inside. Kashif walked in holding his nervous heart. He had forgotten all his guilt on the way but they all seemed to haunt him with every step.

Exposing Alisha for obtaining the dagger. Arguing and leaving his grandfather and then the guilt of sacrificing a young lady for his greed and not saving him. He was not worried about his conscience but scared of his father.

He entered his main hall and saw his father stamping some documents and contracts. He greeted him trembling. "Father, how have you been?" His father raised his head and nodded.

The first question he asked his son was, "Where is my father?"

Kashif stuttered, "I don't know...he…. left me."

His father Kaif stood up and circled him twice, "Or you argued and left him." Kashif was dumbfounded.

Not knowing what excuse, he can come up with he stood there silently. A man supported by a servant walked in hurriedly.

Kaif and Kashif turned to him. "Father, you should get a proper rest," Kaif said taking over the position of the servant.

Kashif murmured, "It's impossible."

Kaif gave a cold stare and asked, "What is impossible? That I had my father come back from the trip when you abandoned him."

Kashif could not raise his head with shame.

Zahid defended his grandson, "It was not his fault. It was me, who kept him pushing to marry my friend's granddaughter Alisha. Knowing she has been arrested by Imperial Secret Officers and has a wild upbringing."

Kaif was furious as he was told about this conversation by his spies. He slapped Kashif for improper use of his words.

He knelt to the ground and begged forgiveness, "Father, I will do as you say. Before that, I brought you a middle-east silver dagger. For which you were about to leave the Empire for years. You can now take over the arms market since you have complete samples of weapons."

He took out the dagger and handed him with the hope of being forgiven. His father took the dagger and was silently inspecting it.

"You will receive punishment and reward altogether," said Kaif.

He sat on his table after settling Zahid. He opened a sealed letter and put inside another letter he wrote before them.

It was handed to the servant who brought Zahid and asked Kashif, "Go with him to the Deputy Duke. There you will know what your punishment is and what your reward will be."

Kaif left with his father. Kashif was anxious and followed the servant to Kinma City. The capital of Kinma State.

Here in Capital City…...

A servant enters the room where Amaan and his grandchildren were discussing the closed cases. "Old master, A man is here to meet you. He says it's about the purple veil."

Amaan was stunned and dismissed his grandchildren and waited for the man.

The man wearing the dull colors of clothes entered and sat down mannerlessly.

"Prince Tabeed, what brings you here secretly. I am afraid other princes won't like it."

Prince Tabeed said looking around inspecting the room. "You don't need to hide anything. The purple lady worries you. I know it well."

Amaan realized playing games won't help, he sat down on his chair. He was puzzled by the fact how he knew?

Tabeed now opened up his mouth to expose everything Amaan feared.

"You left your family not because they were given a lower rank of merchant clan but for the gold mine. Didn't you?" Tabeed took a bite from an apple on the table.

Amaan's face grew red.

"You did not go to Suli for seeking help from your friend but to help him grow and get indebted with your generosity. You were creating a strong base and strengthening the economy of Kinma Since it's a prosperous state."

"You came back after your son had received glory. Not because you were greedy of their wealth but wanted an heir."

"Unfortunately, your newly born grandchild was a girl. you had no way but to take her for time being. Until your son gets a son."

"You taught her everything that an Imperial Royal Lady should be good at and made her participate without letting her claim the prizes. You wanted her ambition to take another direction and her hunger for that position shall increase. She would end up letting the big fish go for small yet plenty fishes."

"However, she trusted every word of yours and did not let her feelings uncontrolled."

"How should I put? Let's say your commands and her heart followed the same path."

"You were upset and decided to throw her in the pit directly by making her take the final and direct exam. You failed to know that this plan of yours offended my brother indirectly leading her to secret arrest."

"I met those two fools your nephew sent to assassinate her. I don't know what made her injured to the point she is half dead."

"You probably want to silence her as she carries the key to civil war. Your greed for gold mine is greater than your clan."

"Don't tell me you don't know that handing the so-called gold mine to the emperor will save your worry."

Amaan went crazy.

"You just vomited everything which had been hanging my life." He was sweating as he had just come out of hell.


The noble prince Tabeed of the first rank was slapped by a wicked former grandmaster. The palm was imprinted red on his face.

Tabeed grew furious but held his anger back. He turned away to exit and said, "I am letting you go. Not because you are a senior citizen and a wealthy former Grand Master. But because you once taught my father and siblings. I respect you as a teacher."

Tabeed walked out with a straight calm face and did not try to hide his embarrassment. On his way back many officers who recognized him in that outfit murmured.

They were randomly guessing and a wise man concluded, "He must have been rejected by a princess."