Extra Chapter: The Galactic Agents

In order to secure their dominant position, as well as maintaining peace within the galaxy, the Galactic Federation ordered the creation of three specialized Agencies. One of them being the Galactic Agency. Terrium Priests, Tech-witches, and other attributes which specialize in the effective utlization and manipulation of Terrium. They strive to maintain peace within relevant systems all around the Galaxy.

With stations and headquarters all around star systems, the Galactic Agency sought to maintain peace and prosperity among the land. Though not without faults in their beauraucracy. Where most of the time, the deep seated corruption generally affects its theoratical effectiveness. And in some cases, are the causes of chaos within a star system.

Individual agents are the backbone of the agency. They're the ones who are in the actual field most of the time. Investigating and answering for the quests needed by their commissioners and commanders. A team is typically made up of two individual agents, a Terrium Priest charged with doing the heavy work, and a Tech-witch to provide support through the manipulation of mistakes and backdoors in technological items.

Galactic agents are sufficiently trained, and various components of their body are modified in order to adequately fulfill their duty. For Marcus, his memories are modified to be pretty much effective in documenting and detailing the various events in a certain mission. It is unknown what Haya's modification is.

The equipments of the agents are not standardized. This is in order for the agents to properly utilize their strengths within certain craft. As well as maintaining a suitable variety in the agents needed for each mission, no matter how big it is. As some agents prioritize their defensiveness and others are more offensive.

Up the ladder are the Commanders. Spread throughout a certain planet's cities within continents and takes charge over most of the paperwork needed by the agents. Seldom they appear in the field, and some agents question their actual prowess with Terrium. Commander Cecil Phyrus for instance rarely appears in the field, and when she does she takes a specialized Squad to do the dirty work for her.

Up the ladder are the Continental Chiefs, those in charge of commanders within an individual continent. How exactly they define a continent is unclear, though limited records about these chiefs indicate that they try to maintain at least 5 chiefs per planet at the same time. The indication of their work is unclear, however. Some say that they have a few agents at their disposal who carries out private tasks behind the scenes.

After which are the planetary directors. Which act more like Figureheads within the headquarters. They're tasked with maintaining morale within the headquarters, maintaining the face of the galactic agents within the country, as well as handling disciplinary actions within relevant commanders and the misconduct of their agents.

It's no secret that the Continental Chiefs hold more power within the individual agency than the directors themselves. With how closer they are in their field, as well as the experienced, veteran agents at their disposal which they utlize for their private affairs. It's no secret as well, that despite being a figurehead, being a planetary director is a dangerous job. As individual chiefs do their best in order to secure that position with their relatives or allies.

The current Planetary Director of Earth is a man named Alexandros Basileus. A known relative of the European Continental Chief. Despite the perceive uselessness of the position, it's terribly useful in maintaining the face of a certain Continent while openly slandering the name of another. Others openly see small strifes and pseudo-gang wars between Chieftains over power.