The rest of the day had been utterly brutal for Yarden. As if listening to teachers drone on and on about things he already knew about dueling and had known since before he was a teenager for hours wasn't bad enough, after that he had to go through normal classes as well, normal classes that were at a higher level than he was used to due to Duel Academy being one of the top premiere schools of the world, he could barely keep up. And then to add on to the absurdity of it all, he had to sit through an hour of Professor Banner lecture on alchemy of all things.
He knew it was actually a real thing in this world and Banner could manipulate his very soul and create bodies to inhabit, but it was still absurd and entirely too complicated. All of it just added more on to his massive throbbing headache. And adding to his bad day even more and making his headache worse, was the sheer annoyance of having to listen to the Obelisk's boast and brag every two minutes, true it was the preppy cunts that did it, but still, if this was in his old world, he would have dragged those twats behind the school with a few friends and kicked the shit out of them.
He kind of wanted to do it regardless.
'Honestly, the only good points about today were watching Syrus flounder about and gym class with miss Fontaine.' Yarden mused to himself, rubbing his throbbing forehead as he walked through the throngs of students traversing the corridors after classes finally let out for the day. Syrus was in general, a complete steaming pile of incompetence wrapped up in a nice lovely bow of skittishness. Watching him fail at literally everything had made him want to cringe and even make him of all people feel a bit sorry for him.
The highlight of the day though was during gym, where Fontaine had tested their stamina by taking the entire class on a jog and seeing how long the students could hold up for. This body wasn't as fit as his previous body, but it was in decent shape, and he knew how to pace himself and retain stamina during a run, so he'd managed to finish in the top percentage of the class, lasting until the end alongside Fontaine herself, Jaden, Bastion, Alexis, her two friends Jasmine and Mindy, and Chazz himself. He honestly couldn't wait for the next gym class, and not even for the chance to work out more which he loved to do. It was for the fringe benefit of watching Fontaine, Alexis, Jasmine and Mindy bouncing around as they exerted themselves so much.
They were all so damn stacked. It was so worth it, all the trouble it must be for normal students to enroll in Duel Academy, just for the chance to watch such an amazing show every time gym class came up. Not that he found the dueling class aspect to be hard at all so far. Honestly, everything that had been lectured about for hours in class today had been covered in the first few paragraphs of the rule books out of starter decks where he came from.
Yarden really wondered how people could do so badly in those exams to end up in Slifer. If the classes so far were anything to go by, he would have gotten in to the top percentile of Ra Yellow with ease. Granted, he wasn't exactly a genius like Bastion, he was decidedly average as far as intelligence went, maybe a bit above average at best, but then a child version of himself could have got perfect marks on the dueling classes today, so was he above average in this reality?
He shook his head as he finally reached his destination, the card shop run by Dorothy whom he could see standing behind the glass counter, and the cute girl Sadie standing beside an open cart, filled to the brim with small packages that radiated an abundance of scents. 'Eggwiches if I remember right.' Yarden thought to himself.
"So do I need to pay for these or are they free?" Yarden asked, stopping in front of Sadie and shooting the cute older girl what he hoped was a suave smile.
She smiled at him brightly, "You have to pay for these sweetie, 100 DP per pick and you can only buy one per day," she replied. He almost gaped at her, 100 DP, that was £10! That much for basically a burger, seriously? She must have noticed the aghast expression that appeared on his face because she continued quickly, "There are cards in every packet alongside the eggwiches, it all comes down to the luck of the draw, the better tasting eggwich you get, the better the card inside. It's supposed to test how good you students are when it comes to something called a Destiny Draw."
Well, wasn't that Destiny Draw was vaguely mentioned in every season of the anime, but never outright confirmed in anything but the games. Yarden totally wanted to try his luck at it, so he quickly paid the fee, and it was so convenient, he only had to give her his student ID and she could take it from his total amount of DP, "Good luck!" Sadie chirped with a cute wink as he reached into the cart, right down to the very bottom, as far as he could go, and then swiped his hand through them all, when he felt one fall into his palm, he grasped it tightly and pulled it out.
He took an experimental sniff of it and smiled. It smelled good, really good in fact. He opened up the wrapped eggwich and Sadie gasped, "You got the golden eggwich! The very first one of the year even, how lucky!" she gushed. And she was right, it was freaking golden. The bun seemed to glow with a warm golden glow, and even the egg white he could see peeking out from the bun was gold itself instead of white, and there sat innocently atop the bun was the card he got with it. Yarden had to fight off a smile as he looked it over.
Seiyaryu (2500Atk/2300Def/Level 7/Light/Dragon/Normal)
"Looks like destiny is on my side, huh?" He joked to Sadie, giving her a cheeky little wink right back, he took it as a personal accomplishment when she beamed happily at him. He couldn't believe his luck. As far as the meta went back in his own world before he ended up here, it was a pretty subpar card, with no support at all, and really would only do anything decent in a Blue-Eyes deck, but for where and when he was? It was a pretty amazing card.
"Oh wow, a Seiyaryu," Sadie commented over his shoulder as he looked the card over, "They usually go for a good 3,000 DP at the cheapest when we sell them on display, actually the one we have on display is at 4,000 I think." Damn, that was damn expensive for such just a decent beat stick.
That was another little interesting tidbit she just revealed, quickly sliding his new card into his deck box, and re-wrapping his eggwich - he planned to really sit down and enjoy it later - he turned to face, "Can I get a look at those cards?" Yarden asked the older girl, "I wanna see if there's any that'll fit my deck."
"Sure, no problem, but since it's your first day n' all, I feel I should give you a little heads up first and tell you that the very cheapest we've got on display are like 300 DP," Sadie replied and he had to hold back a whistle, the very cheapest were the equivalent of £30.
A couple weeks before he ended up here, he ordered a random assortment of cards in a duelist tin over the internet, with a grand total of a hundred and fifty cards inside, many of which were rather good cards, including a couple Red-Eyes, and it had only cost him £15.
It took a concentrated effort on Yarden's part not to mush his face up against the glass display case as he eagerly looked over the single cards up for sale. Polymerization 300 DP, Mystic Space Typhoon 300 DP, Thunder Dragon 450 DP a piece, Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon 1,000 DP, he'd definitely come back for them when he won a few more duels. Ooh, Carbonnedon 450 DP, and Limiter Removal for the same amount. That would go really well with the Metal Dragon he picked up at the Reject Well, he already had a beast combo in mind.
Fuse Lesser Dragon and King of the Swamp to get Metal Dragon. Metal Dragon was a level 6, so he could equip it with his Fusion Weapon equip card bringing it from 1850 attack points, to 3350. Then he could use limiter removal and double its attack to 6700, then bounce it back to his hand with Giant Trunade, and use it again to get a massive 13,400 attack points. Now, if he could possibly get his hands on a Power Bond from Syrus or Zane, he could switch the initial polymerization with it and make it even stronger. Oh the possibilities! Hell, even just an initial power bonding to make Metal Dragon would get him a 3700 attack point beat stick, and he could just Rainbow Life or something to negate the damage from Power Bond.
There was one final card that caught his eye, a spell card at the very end, half hidden under another card and hidden quite a bit from view. He narrowed his eyes as he tried to make out the partially hidden text, before they widened in shock when he realized what card it was.
Revived Serpent Night Dragon. The only ever support for Serpent Night Dragon, but wasn't it a game only card!? He quickly pointed the card out to Sadie, "Hey, can I see that card?" Yarden asked.
"Sure," she replied, opening up the display case and bringing it out, handing it to him.
Revived Serpent Night Dragon (Quick Play Spell Card):
Tribute one monster on the field, then special summon one "Serpent Night Dragon" from your hand, deck or graveyard.
Holy crap, this was such a good card for him, and even if Seiyaryu was a bit stronger, this pretty much totally cemented Serpent Night Dragon as his ace monster. The fact that it was a quick play just made it all the better and filled with even more potential. He totally had to buy it.
"How much is this?" Yarden asked.
"Eh, it was originally 500 DP but since nobodies been buying or even really using Serpent Night Dragon anymore it's been in the display case and up for sale for like a year by this point," Sadie replied, she tapped her chin in thought before smiling at him a moment later, "I'll give you it for 250, how's that sound cutie?" she winked at him again.
Hmm, hadn't both Mindy and Jasmine called him cute earlier? He'd been paying attention to Alexis in the corner of his vision while he dueled Taiyou and he was sure they did. And now Sadie thought he was cute as well? Was it because he was essentially the player from Tag Force? There was a literal meme Yarden remembered where his title was the 'Red Hat Player', because he got so many of the female characters to fall in love with him during the games. Off the top of his head, he knew Alexis, Blair, Akiza, Luna and even Sherry all fell in love with the player if their story lines were completed.
Suddenly, Yarden quite liked the position he found himself in, even with the imminent threat of multiple apolcaypse..s? Apolcypsie?..Even with the multiple apocalypse that he'd have to fight his way through, things were looking interesting.
"I'll take it, and I want one of those Carboneddon and Limiter Removal as well please Sadie," Yarden stated after ridding himself of the sudden casanova like day dream that threatened to take over his mind.
Sadie was quick to hand him the three cards and charge him for them. He mentally winced, he basically just spent £115 on three cards that usually wouldn't even cost £5 together back home, but it had to be done. He slipped them into his deck box quickly, "Can I see your booster packs now Sadie?" he then asked the older girl behind the display case.
She nodded, "Sure," she chirped happily, leaning down and one by one pulling out an assortment of boxes that she placed on top of the display case, a grand total of fourteen of them. Smart, because obviously she wouldn't leave expensive items like the cards were in this world out front for just anyone to pilfer.
Metal Raiders, Spell Rulers, Pharoah's Servant, Labrynth of Nightmare, Legacy of Darkness, Pharaonic Guardian, Magician's Force, Dark Crisis, Invasion of Chaos, Ancient Sanctuary, Kaibaman Rising Movie Pack, Soul of the Duelist, Dark Beginning's 1 and Rise of Destiny.
Yarden was familiar with all of them to a degree, besides the Kaibaman Rising one. Although, many of them had different images on the front and he only knew which was which because they were named.
"They're all 250 Dp each," Sadie told him as soon as she set down the last box.
He looked each of them over, before deciding to check with his monsters, 'Can any of you guys sense any spirits in these?' he asked internally.
'Ooh ooh I sense one, a strong one! In the Dark Beginning's one!' Baby Dragon piped up excitedly in his mind. 'Just go through them and I'll tell ya which one he's in! If he gives you any trouble don't worry, I'll just beat him up for you!' one thing he'd learned so far, thanks to how enthusiastic the buff little orange dragon was, was how much Baby Dragon liked to fight.
Plus, Baby Dragon did technically help make up the strongest monster in his deck right now. Well, besides the Seiyaryu he just got from the eggwich.
With Baby Dragon's guidance he grabbed the booster pack containing the spirit, before turning to Sadie who looked at him with a bit of a raised eyebrow..he had after all basically lifted out most of the packs just to grab that one before putting them back, it probably looked quite weird from her point of view.
He didn't really want to try and think up some excuse, so he just paid for the pack grudgingly before beating a hasty retreat. He totally wasn't embarrassed either, he just needed to check out his new cards and tune up his deck before Jaden got roped into dueling Alexis that night!
He quickly made his way back to his dorm, and only when the door closed behind him did he finally open the booster pack and look through the..12 cards?
Wow, you only got five out of a booster pack nowadays where he was from. He forgot about the sheer amount of cards you used to get from booster packs.
"Woah, badass." Yarden gasped as he looked down at the first card glaring back at him. Black Skull Dragon! He couldn't use it, but still, "Fuckin' Black Skull dragon!" he laughed in a joyful glee.
Next after that, was another Spirit of the Breeze, he was definitely putting that in his main deck for now. Double Summon out his original and this new version and then protect them and he could be getting 2000 extra life points per turn. Suck it bitches.
Alexis was so wrong about how he liked to play. He loved shoring up on life points while blocking his opponents and smashing them with burn damage, and keep some big beastly dragons on the prowl ready to run them over. Granted, he did also love to just completely overwhelm people with massive attack points as well.
Next up was Monster Reborn, lovely. After that Harpie's Brother, a decent beat stick, and then Giant Soldier of Stone. United We Stand, Enchanted Javelin, Black Pendant, motherfucking Spell Binding Circle another great card that was definitely going in the deck, Premature Burial was the 11th card.
Then, when Yarden reached the last card, there was a swirl of glittering light before a large, slender bipedal dragon with large wings appeared before him, its body made up of beautiful, glittering diamonds. "Interesting, I can sense multiple spirits with you human," Hyozanryu commented, looking over Yarden curiously.
The reincarnated Slifer couldn't fight off the grin that appeared on his face.
Hyozanryu (2100Atk/2800Def/Level 7/Light/Dragon/Normal)