Chilling In The Schoolyard 2

"There he is!" Mindy jumped up excitedly, pointing out into the distance from the docks the four of them stood on, towards an approaching row boat with two figures in it, "Though it looks like Jaden didn't come alone."

"It's Odhar," Jasmine raised an eyebrow in interest. She would have crossed her arms under her prodigious bust, but her hands were currently full with the rope tied around the blue haired boy the three girls had taken prisoner, "Wonder what he's doing here? From what he was like in class earlier, he doesn't seem like the type that would lend a hand easily."

Alexis who did have her arms crossed underneath her breasts merely smirked in satisfaction, "I don't care either way," the blonde replied, "He was my next target after I took down Jaden anyway, this just saves me the time of seeing more of his skill in person."

Syrus whimpered, but was ignored.

Mindy sighed, "You're never going to get a boyfriend like that," the black haired girl shook her head sadly, "Odhar was a total tough guy type with Taiyou earlier. You'll scare all the guys away if you consider someone like that just prey to duel and beat."

Alexis rolled her eyes. No matter how many times she told them, she just wasn't interested in a boyfriend as things were right now, they wouldn't let it go. Not that there were many good candidates around her anyway.

You'd think with how boy crazy Jasmine and Mindy were sometimes that they'd have gotten boyfriends of their own by now. But they turned down nearly as many boys as her that asked them out.

Moments later, the rowboat hit shore and the two Slifer Red teenagers stepped out of the boat onto dry land. "Hi Jaden, Hi Yarden." Syrus greeted them both sadly.

"Hey," Jaden greeted him back softly, "So what exactly is going on here?" he asked, eyes shooting up sharply to take in the three girls, most specifically Jasmine who was holding the rope that had him tied up

"Well to make a long story short, I'm basically a big loser." Syrus moaned in defeat.

"Don't be so melodramatic Syrus," Yarden cut in with a roll of his eyes, "At least the eye candy was good right?"

Mindy tittered a bit at the compliment, cheeks flushing a light red. And Alexis had to internally praise the boy for his sheer confidence in this situation. She was right to want to keep an eye on him. After all, it didn't take a genius to figure out now that he and Jaden were here alongside Syrus, they could be reported and expelled as well. Yet still, looking over the Scottish teenager, who had a lazy smirk on his face, hands resting in his pocket, he seemed to believe he was in total control.

Maybe it was something to do with being European? Alexis didn't have much experience with people from outside of Japan. But Pier, the french boy she grew up with was a cocky guy no matter the situation.

Jasmine huffed, "Your friend here trespassed into the girls campus." the redhead got straight to the point.

"Is that true Sy?" Jaden asked.

"I doubt it," Yarden rolled his eyes, before looking up to meet Alexis' eyes, "No offense, but Syrus doesn't have the guts to come here peeking. Pull the other one."

It seemed he wouldn't be fooled. Alexis stared right back into his eyes and was surprised to find he was amused. He rose an eyebrow at her in challenge and the blonde haired girl realised the jig was pretty much up.

Not that it mattered, she'd gotten what she wanted regardless. And a bonus on top of things. Jaden and Yarden, both laid out for her to pick from. She wasn't arrogant enough to think she could take them two on one. So who to pick?

"True," Jaden agreed. "So out with it, what the heck is going on here? This is getting to far to be called a joke." he demanded.

"Well it doesn't matter now," Mindy smiled at both boys, eyes focused more on Yarden than Jaden, "Now that you're both here, you're trespassing too."

"That's right boys," Alexis grinned at them in a predatory fashion, "If you want to get out of here without being expelled, you'll have to win your freedom by beating us in a duel."

She'd rather take Jaden on right now. His skills were more known to her. His deck focused around hero monsters. Yarden though, his deck was made just this morning from thrown away cards, yet he seemed so confident in the deck he had. He was more mysterious. Best let Jasmine and Mindy take him on so she could see more of his skill first before she took him on. If he was as good as she thought he was, he should be able to overcome them both.

"Oh man, I don't wanna get expelled, it's only been a few days." Syrus whined pitifully.

"So that's your play," Yarden snorted, shaking his head, "Fair enough, bring it on."

"Don't worry Sy," Jaden interjected at the same time, punching a fist into his palm, "I won't let that happen. Bring it on Alexis."

Yarden and Jaden blinked as they finished, looking at each other. "Jinx." they grinned at each other. Both boys were surprisingly on a rather similar wavelength it seemed.