Chilling In The Schoolyard 14

As soon as he was back in his dorm room, Yarden didn't bother waiting at all. He kicked the door shut behind him and pulled out all of his cards, every single one, spreading them across the floor and taking a seat in front of them.

He'd amassed quite the collection in the last week. Already having over one hundred cards in total.

'It's gotta be a mainly dragon deck, centered around Serpent Night Dragon.' he thought, his eyes going to the three copies of the graceful serpentine dragon. He ha both specific support for Serpent Night Dragon, and grabbed quite a few cards that worked well with the fact he had three of the ex-ace of Rex Raptor.

For that matter, he'd be putting Hyozanru, Seiyaryu, Curse of Dragon, Luster Dragon 1 and Luster Dragon 2 in the deck. Carbonnedon was a given, as was resurrection cards.

He needed counter traps as well. He'd bought a few specific spell and trap card booster packs earlier when he had the time before the duel with Zane, just didn't have the time to pick and choose what would fit well before the duel.

On that front, he couldn't give up the discarding tactics, he was very fond of them and he got a decent few cards that worked well with the tactic.

He definitely needed a counter though for if anyone tried to pull any Macro Cosmos bullshit to counter him. So, the likes of Stamping Destruction would be vital. A monster that was unaffected by traps and such would be really helpful as well. He had a Mirage Dragon, that would be hella useful.

Yarden leaned back on his hands. 'Dodger Dragon would be even better.' he sighed. He needed something that could deal with shit that could seal off summoning from the grave and spell and trap cards as well, that was a typical play from a Macro Cosmo deck.

It was a pain in the ass, and really unlikely for someone here to be using meta Macro Cosmos shit, but it was definitely one of the bigger threats to him. 'Good graveyard effect monsters or spells and traps?' he wondered idly. But, there wouldn't be many around.

Some D.D - Different Dimension monsters would be helpful for getting bounced to the banished zone actually.

'I'll look into it later.' Yarden mused. He had all he needed for the most part right in front of him to deal with most issues, especially with the Heart of the Cards on his side.

A thought occurred to him then. 'Oh yeah, I didn't check how much I won from Zane!' he realized.

Wasting no time, Yarden jumped to his feet and pulled out his PDA to check his DP balance. And almost dropped it in shock when he saw the number staring back at him. "What the fuck!?" he gaped.

DP: 127,202

He got a full hundred thousand for beating him? What the shit!? That was ten thousand pounds! And nearly fifteen thousand dollars!

With shaky hands, the boy quickly connected to his online bank account and transferred the DP balance to it.

"Holy crap." his knees felt weak beneath him and he fell back on to his bed in his shock when he saw his actual bank balance staring back at him.


"WOOH YEAH!" he jumped to his feet and punched a fist into the air. "That's what I'm fucking talking about!" he cheered, launching a kick into the air, only to yelp when he accidentally slammed his bare toes into the hard, wooden bed post mistakenly in his excitement.

"Mother fucker!" he cursed grabbing at his toes and hopping in place. If it weren't for the enhancements his body had gone through from merging with Petit Dragon, Decoy Dragon and Lesser Dragon, he no doubt, probably would have broken his toes.

And speaking of Petit Dragon. The small green dragon phased into view in front of him, shaking his little head back and forth, "You're an idiot Yarden." he pointed out dryly, eyes deadpan.