Tagging Up 11

"So, did that tell you what you needed to know?" Yarden asked, making his way over to the kneeling spirit, his duel disk compressing back into its gauntlet form and the solid vision appearance of Hyozanryu disappearing, "Am..I good enough?" he asked.

Even if she said she would join if he beat her. If she saw something she didn't like about him, there really was nothing he could to to stop her from just leaving, save attacking her with his spirits.

And he didn't want to do that, nor was he going to even if she did decide not to join up with him.

"Yep, I saw what I needed to," she looked up at him with that blinding smile of hers still on her face, "I thought Serpent Night Dragon was embellishing how good you are. But you really are that good, you even managed to beat my deck and it's made up of extra cards from Yugi's deck, like my cute little juniors that haven't even been released to the public yet and only he and Mr. Pegasus have copies of."

So that was why he'd never heard of these support magician girls. Or that Invoked Aleister thing. They were cards, an archetype more or less made specifically for Yugi Moto. Which made sense, since it was well known Yugi was basically the only dude to have Dark Magician Girl.

And that clarified something else for him.

"So you are the Dark Magician girl that served Yugi and the one that was the Ba of Mana." Yarden mused with interest.

"My, you really do know a lot," Dark Magician Girl hummed, "And yes, that's me. But I didn't serve Yugi, I served the pharaoh in place of my old master Mana. Once their journey together was complete, I moved on."

That did explain a lot. "So, have you decided on if you'll join me or not?" Yarden asked, getting straight to the point.

"Just about, honestly, I'm mostly leaning towards it," the blonde duel spirit replied as she stood up, her olden age golden dueling disk glowing and shifting back into her scepter, "I just want to know first."

He raised an eyebrow at her, "Know what?" he asked.

"What do you plan to do with all the spirits you're gathering?" Dark Magician girl questioned.

"A good question," Yarden nodded. To be perfectly honest though; "I don't have any real concrete plans. Like the benefits are amazing, and from what I know, getting power from monsters spirits can basically give me eternal youth." that was what Kagemaru's big plan was after all. Use the Sacred Beasts to drain the power of duel spirits into himself.

"...It would be a stretch with one spirit, but with many, that is well within possibility." she confirmed.

"Good to know," he grinned and then shrugged, "But yeah, beyond that and getting strong enough to live the life I want and stopping the world ending, I've not got any specific plans. Like yeah, I'll be using your guys help to go after a few more things like a few others spirits I know of, but that's really all that comes to mind."

"You know for such a shamelessly greedy person, you're desires aren't all that massive," Dark Magician Girl giggled, before bowing to him lightly, "Alright, I'll join you and become your Ba master."

Yarden swallowed heavily as a deep well of bodacious creamy cleavage was revealed to him down her leotard. "Even.." he licked his lips, "Even though I don't plan on dying?" with the confirmation of the eternal youth being a proper prospect for him, and with all the benefits that came from bonding with spirits as his Ba, it meant that very few things would be capable of killing him, so he'd be effectively immortal.

A Ba could only be released, upon the death of the master. Not including using bullshit powerful items like the Millennium items to forcible separate the two.

That meant, she would be stuck with him forever.

She looked up and caught where his eyes were staring, "So you do have a little crush on me, how cute master," she winked, and her smile not lessening at all, "And I don't see why not. It's not a deal breaker or anything, I would have stayed with Mana forever if she continued living. My second master did not take me as a Ba, and left me behind when he returned to the after life. I've confirmed what I need to know, and you fit what I want in a master, so when you're strong enough, I will gladly become your Ba!" she beamed and leaned over to press a small kiss against his cheek, making his skin tingle.

A massive smile of his own spread across his face, "Really?" his eyes were practically sparkling, "That's amazing!"

Dark Magician Girl gave him a thumbs up as she pulled back, "Let's work well together master!" she chirped perkily and then held her hand up. Golden light blinked into existence, then fell apart to reveal a deck of cards, "And these will hopefully serve you well, the deck you just dueled against."


Yarden gave her a shocked stare, even as he accepted the cards from her. "Though, it needs one more thing to complete it!" the blonde added, giving him one more wink that produced an illusion of a pink heart and then her body erupted into golden light and shrunk down, floating towards his hand. She shrunk down into a small rectangular shape and then slotted in to the front of the deck, and when the light died down, it was to show a Dark Magician Girl card staring back at him.

'Holy shit.' Yarden was pretty much dazed as he began looking through the deck. The first three cards being, three copies of Dark Magician Girl! And there was a bunch of magician girls in there beyond the two he saw, multiple copies of each. Three Magician's Valkyria, a bunch of Dark Magician support cards.

And there were two different extra deck monsters. One, the Dark Magician Girl The Dragon Knight. Another though he'd never seen before, also a dragon.

Invoked Cocytus. It needed to be fusion summoned using the Aleister The Invoker and a water attribute monster. And it was a pretty cool monster to.

A level six with eighteen hundred attack points and twenty nine hundred defense points, with a really awesome effect.

'Cannot be destroyed by your opponent's card effects. Your opponent cannot target this card with card effects. This card can attack while in face-up Defense Position. If it does, apply its ATK for damage calculation.'

Which meant this thing was pretty much un-killable unless attacked with something with over twenty-nine hundred attack points. And would be a real monster with stuff like D2 Shield.

'I think there's actually a few more fusion cards like this one, but Yugi hadn't gotten them yet when I left him.' Dark Magician Girl spoke in his head.

That was interesting to know. He'd need to be on the lookout for those.

Still, he couldn't wipe the massive shit eating grin off of his face if he tried. He'd only wanted Dark Magician Girl, but he'd got a massive massive add on with this deck as well?

It was like winning the lottery, only to told you got entered into the running for another one because you won and win that one too!

'Well, you sure seem happy,' she giggled, 'And well, we're gonna need all the help we can get if we're dealing with stuff that you think makes Zorc look weak.'

...Ah, yeah. He frowned at the thought. The Light Of Destruction and such made Zorc look toothless in comparison. And that guy had needed Horahkty to smite his ass, and even punched out Exodia. Admittedly, a very weakened Exodia limited by his summoner, but it was still motherfucking Exodia.

'Well, as interesting as this all is Yarden, I feel the need to remind you, that before all this happened, you were heading to visit your friend in the infirmary were you not?' Petit Dragon cut in with a sigh.

Yarden's eyes widened and he put that out of thought. He had been on his way actually! He quickly stuffed the cards in his pocket and zipped it securely, before rushing his way to his destination.

'Yay, let's go see Master's girlfriend!' Dark Magician Girl cheered him on.