Dino's Jealousy

"Does it matter?" Tia glared. For some reason, her emotions exploded when he saw Dino. Why is that man so stupid. Already know to fuck a woman without safety but let her go. The man did not try to find out the condition of the woman he had been with.

"Of course it's important. If she gave birth to my child. I will marry her if it is proven that the child born to me is my biological child." Dino never loses. He feels guilty for ruining a girl's future. Felt like the ugliest man in the world. Dino remembered what he said to Rere. The woman framed him for treasure. Dino was embarrassed to know that Rere was the son of a tycoon in Surabaya. Rere's wealth didn't even run out for seven generations because she was so rich. No wonder the girl was arrogant and angry when she said it.

"You think my friend is a slut? If I hold a gun, I will shoot your head," said Tia with her hands on her hips.

"Your attitude is not like that of a friend but like a mother who demands accountability from the man who impregnated her daughter." Dino even teased.

"Think of me as Rere's mother. You have ruined his future. I don't know what will happen to you if she doesn't help you that night. I'm sure if they set you up with an immoral scandal."

"Can your mouth stop talking?"

"Can not. There's a lot I want to talk to you about."

"Looks like our conversation ends here. I will prove what you say. If that's true then I'll…."

"What will it be?"

"I can't talk right now." Dino just left Tia.

Dino looked for Dila to share his thoughts. For now, Dino needs Dila to exchange ideas. What Tia said made him uneasy and thoughtful.

Jealousy overtook Dino when he saw Bara and Dila dancing together. They are like a couple who love each other. Dino did not like to see the closeness of the two of them. For some reason, Dila and Bara are not willing to be close, even though in reality they are husband and wife. It's just that he lost his memory so he can't remember who danced with him.

The man's steps stopped when he saw Ananya's spirit. The woman smiled at him shaking her head. A sign that Dino doesn't want to fight with Bara.

Dino was shocked. Somehow he saw Ananya's spirit. Is this just a hallucination? Dino tried to shake off his bad thoughts. He had to keep Bara and Dila away.

Dino approached Bara and Dila with a strange feeling. There is anger, disappointment, and jealousy there.

"Can we talk?" Dino is holding back emotions

"What do you want to talk about?" Bara felt no need to talk to Dino.

"Follow me!" Dino's words sounded terrible to Dila's ears. His face was cold and unfriendly. He spoke slowly but was able to make Dila shudder.

"What do you want to talk about No?" She was shaking and scared. If Dino spoke in this tone it meant that the man was furious.

"This is a conversation between men. You don't have to interfere." Dino pointed his finger at Dila. "Don't follow us. Just shut up here. I don't want to be denied." Dino stared intently. Just watch out for half-sisterDila refutes his orders!

Bara followed Dino from behind. Bara was wondering what Dino would talk about in her heart. Unbeknownst to Dino and Bara, Dila followed them from behind. Dila felt bad, felt something was going to happen. Dila didn't want Dino to hurt Bara because he knew the man was sick.

"How many times do I have to say? Never approach the mother of my children." Dino gave a warning. "You want to be someone's household wrecker?"

"What nonsense is this Dino?"

"I'm not talking nonsense Bar. You've stepped on my pride as a man."

"Why?" Just shrugged. Did not understand the direction of Dino's conversation. Bara didn't understand what Dino was saying.

"You're still pretending?" Dino was furious to see Bara's pretentious attitude. If only he had killed innocent people, he might have done it. Bara makes him emotional and jealous. Dino realized he wasn't worthy of being jealous but…..

"Explain in more detail with me. What did I do wrong?"

"How dare you enter into my wife's room." Dino was furious and then threw a raw fist at Bara's face.

Bara's lips immediately bled when Dino's punch hit the corner of her lips. Dino still does not know himself to admit Dila as his wife even though they are only cousins. According to him, they have behaved like husband and wife, only it is not legalized by law.

"Never ruin my family. My daughter caught you in Dila's room, she even witnessed you teasing Dila. I will never let you ruin my household. The five of us are happy with our lives now. Don't ever come into our life. This is a warning for you. If you dare to approach the mother of my children…."

"What will you do? It wasn't me who approached Dila, but she who approached me. Secretly Dila followed me." Bara even challenged Dino. He was heartbroken when he was suddenly beaten. Bara felt that she was not teasing Dila. According to him, it was Dila who was itching for spying on him all this time.

The two of them clashed hitting and kicking each other. Dino's face was as battered as Bara's.

"Bar, Dino. Stop it!" Dila shouted to break up the fight between the two. Dila stood in the middle of the fight between the two men.

Dino and Bara did not want to budge. They wanted to throw fists but Dila became a shield. Luckily both of them were able to stop him before their fists hit Dila's pretty face.

Dila cries seeing the two have a big fight. Dila admits her mistake. She started this misunderstanding.

"Please ... Don't fight anymore," Dila pleaded sobbing.

"You satisfied?" Bara snapped leaving Dino and Dila. The man did not accept being accused of disturbing other people's wives.