Talk With Tia

"We know how much you love Dila," Tia squeaked, mentioning Dila's name. "Even though you have lost your memory, your heart never forgets who the owner is. When love has found its master, whatever happens, will never change everything. I understand your feelings."

"If you understand, please understand my feelings as a brother. Which brother wouldn't be furious if his little sister got pregnant without knowing who got her pregnant? Rere gave birth to my niece out of wedlock. She is an illegitimate child, people say. Tell the truth. Who raped Rere? How dare she be so impudent to Aldebaran's sister." Bara clenched her fists until her fingernails turned white.

"Sir," Tia whispered, seeing the anger in Bara's eyes.

"If Rere is pregnant with her boyfriend, she will ask her boyfriend to be responsible. It's not. That means she's hiding something. Still don't want to talk?"

"Sir promise me not to do the things that Rere is afraid of."

"What do you mean?"

Tia tells everything. What is Rere's fear that he doesn't want to talk about who Leon's biological father is and doesn't hold him accountable?

"Oh my gosh, Re." Bara massaged his temples not understanding his sister's, way of thinking. "Why is Rere that naive. He's either too stupid or too kind. After all Leon had to get legal recognition. I don't want the child to be insulted when he grows up. Rere doesn't want to interact with other people because she's shy. The mental burden for me as an older brother`. So I have to finish this homework before finishing my business with my wife."

"Your wife? Since when did you have a wife?"

"What did you say?"

"Sorry sir, just kidding?" Tia raised her finger in a V shape.

"Dila is still my wife legally. Thank you for investigating Dila until you get a copy of the twins' birth certificates. That can be proof for me to get Dila back."

"You want to refer to Mrs. Dila."

"Of course." Just curved a smile. He remembered how spoiled Dila was and his hugs when they slept together. Longing to touch his heart. The lover longs for the beloved. There is a feeling that has been lost for so long has returned Bara is happy to have found her love. His life has returned after his memory returns. "I want to thank Kinanti. If it weren't for that woman maybe my memory wouldn't come back."

"Don't tell me you remember when you had a headache when you saw Kinanti?"

Bara folded his arms across his chest. His heart is blossoming. "Hurry up and tell me about Leon's father." Bara did not forget the purpose of calling Tia.

"So that's the story? Dino, Dila's cousin is Leon's biological father. This world turned out to be small. Unbeknownst to us, we've been changing places." Just support the chin.

"Sir, for God's sake don't tell Rere if you know from me." unconsciously Tia grabbed arm the boss's.

Bara pouted, looking coldly at Tia. The girl realized then removed her hand from Bara's strong arm.

"I'm sorry sir. Not on purpose," Tia squeaked showing rows of white teeth.

"I understand your feelings. Did Diane contact you?"

"What?" Tia's brow furrowed not understanding Bara's meaning. Tia is not focused.

"Oh my gosh, Tia. Why are you this stupid?" Bara massaged his temples.

"Sorry, Sir. I'm stupid." Tia cursed herself. Why can't you focus on an important situation like this? It was clear what the boss meant was Dian.

"There's no need to curse yourself. I understand your condition. On the one hand, you want to protect your best friend, on the other you have to carry out the orders of your superiors."

"Thank you sir for understanding my condition."

"You don't think I'm good because the task you are going to do is very heavy."

"What?" Tia is shocked. Fear of getting a task that he can not do.

"Keep it a secret from Dian. You sure are good at manipulating."


"Come on, don't be silly. I know who you are, Nur Fristia Hayati," Bara teased, saying Tia's full name. "Don't tell me if Hayati is tired. I do not like." Bara teased the secretary. The man arched a smile.

Have long Tia did not viewed Bara smiling like today.

"That face can be conditioned? I will not hit or strangle you." Bara pointed at Tia.

"Hehehehe," Tia said with a forced smile. "Your tone of voice scares me."

"Ooh?" Bara laughed at Tia.

"Tia," called Bara.

"Yes Sir." Tia is quick to respond.

"Give me the results of your investigation about Dila and my children." Just put up a hand.

"What do you mean?"

"Copies of family ID and triplets birth certificates."

"Good, Sir. Later I asked again the detective I hired. The file was lost to me when the tsunami hit. The file is on my phone. My phone is lost. Where have you been stranded for ten days? How can it be with Mrs. Dila?" Tia curiously ventured to ask.

"Is it important to you?" Reply to Bara coldly.

"If you want to tell a story." Tia smiled cutely. It seems that the boss loves Dila. Many people are crazy and stupid because of love, including the boss.