The Revelation of Ananya's Murderer

"Be honest about what?" Bara's voice softened. Bara has turn on the speaker so others could hear their conversation.

"I've found out who Leon's biological father," Dian's statement almost made Rere faint. Luckily, Tia was there to support her.

"Are you investigating me, sister?" Rere cried pitifully.

"Boss is Rere with you?" Dian started to panic. She didn't expect Rere to listen to her conversation with Bara.

"She heard our conversation from the start. Tell Jimmy to go back to Jakarta!"

"You can't, boss. I've sent those shadow troops to guard all of you. Rere and Gesa's whereabouts are already known to Ananya's killers. They want to kill Rere and Gesa. I asked Jimmy to go there to protect you. Ananya's killer is a dangerous man. He's one of the members of Kelantan kingdom."

Rere and Gesa's hearts almost stop beating when they heard Dian's words. Their bodies are shaking.

"Don't tell me, it is Prince Ahmed," said Gesa with trembling lips.

"Who is Prince Ahmed?" Rere stares at Gesa angrily.

"He is the second future heir of Kelantan Kingdom. He is obsessed with Ananya and wants to take Ananya as one of his wives. The prince is a psychopath. He wants Ananya to divorce her husband. He is crazy about Ananya. The prince has liked Ananya for a long time. To protect her family, Ananya never exposes her private life, the public doesn't even know who Ananya's husband and children."

"You're right," Dian said, rubbing her bulging stomach. She always rubs her belly because she felt an itch there.

Bara asks Gesa, Daniel, and Tia to leave his room. He wanted to talk to his sister alone. Bara was a little annoyed that Dian's investigation is one step ahead of them. Dian even knew of Dila's whereabouts from the start. She kept her silence because he lost his memory. He has a hunch that Dian is the one who makes sure Dila and her children safety until now.

"Brother." Rere peevishly burst into Bara's arms.

Bara keeps his composure and patting Rere's shoulder. He let his sister calm down. Bara understands that Rere must be very shocked. The secret that she had kept all this time is revealed by Dian.

"Brother, I don't want anyone to know about Leon's biological father's identity. I don't want to live with him," Rere said dejectedly. She vented all of her sorrow to Bara. In the past, Rere keeps silent and didn't want to talk because she didn't want to make bara worry, but this time, she spilled everything. Bara is healthy and has regained his memory.

"I understand how you feel, Re." Bara knows her sister's psychological condition. Bara let her go and make Rere sit before gave her a glass of water.

"Thank you, brother." Rere emptying cups in one gulp.

"Can you tell me? Why you don't want to reveal Leon's biological father's identity?"

"I can't marry that man. He's married and has children. I don't want to destroy someone else's marriage. What will people say about me? I don't want people to call me a whore that ruin other people's family. It's like a pot calling the cattle black. I don't want what he thinks about me really happened. I am just out of luck, brother. I just want to help him at that time, I didn't expect that it was me who was trapped. I feel so dumb, I even sacrificed myself to save that man. I was wrong, brother." Rere cried as she hugged the cushions.

Bara lets her sister use his shoulder to cry. He lets his sister venting her emotions.

"Rere, you shouldn't sacrifice yourself. After all, you still have a long way to go. Leon is still so young."

"What can I do, brother? It happens because I am too kind. I am helping others but risking my own life. I was hunted by Ananya's killer for saving Gesa. I lost my virginity when I try saving the CEO where I was working as an intern. I'm so stupid." Rere hits her own head. Bara held Rere's hand so she would stop hurting herself.

"Rere." Bara then snapped at her. Rere was shocked when she saw her step-brother's anger. "You are Aldebaran's sister. You must not be afraid and give up easily. You must be strong. Show the world that you are my sister. We are strong and invincible."

"Brother..." Rere felt bitter when Bara snapped at her.

"You are my sister." Bara's voice become softer and more affectionate. He tidied Rere's hair by combing it with his hand. "I'm sorry for yelling at you. I hate to see you look so weak, Rere. You've been a strong woman all this time. You need to show your power. You have to be strong all the time. Don't let others see your weakness."

"Can I do that?" Rere doesn't sound confident.

"You can. You are my sister."


"That man has to know that he has a son named Leon."

"Impossible. I don't want to tell him." Rere shook her head.

"Nothing is impossible. Think about Leon's future. You have to give him legal status."

"But I don't want what he thinks of me to be true."

"And, you're risking your and Leon's futures because of that?"