Bara and Dila ( 1 )

"Ama," Salsa called when she realized Dila's arrival. The little girl approached Dila and hugged her.

Bara hugged Shaka and Shakel. A sense of emotion engulfed Bara's heart. He was happy. He finally meets and hugs his three children. Despite his memory loss, the man had a premonition of having children as he had been experiencing nausea and vomiting for nine months.

"I love you" Clear beads fell from Bara's eyes. He was happy after finally get recognition as a father. "Starting from today, father will take care of you. I am sorry for leaving you for so long," Bara said while looking at Dila. He said the word 'leaving' to mock Dila.

Dila avoid Bara's eyes when the man looked at her sharply. Dila didn't know what to do with Bara. Honestly, she loves the man, but she is too proud to admit it after realizing that Bara already belongs to someone else. They had no chance to be together. There is the biggest obstacle in their relationship.