Rescue Dino ( 2 )

Gesa and Dino try to run away from the pursuit of Prince Ahmed's men with a limping foot. Dino and Gesa hid behind an empty drum. They were kidnapped by Prince Ahmed's men when they met. They were able to escape after Dino outwitted the kidnappers. Dino and Gesa's breath resonated with each other.

"Brother, are we going to survive?" Gesa was scared and cried.

"We'll survive this, Gesa." Dino actually wasn't sure he would survive but he didn't want to say it because he didn't want Gesa to be more worried and afraid.

"Although it's hard, we have to try to run as far as possible from them. Where there's a will there's a way."

"Why did you just decide to meet me, Gesa?" Dino finally asked.

"I tried to run from them. They never stop chasing me. Last time, they followed me at the mall."

"Mall? Which mall?" Dino was curious.