Dino's Doubt

              "Bar, did I really do the right thing?" Dino suddenly hesitated after proposing to Rere. The man knew that Rere agreed to marry him because of Bara's persuasion.

              "Are you starting to doubt your choice?" Bara touched Dino's shoulder.

              "I'm afraid this marriage will not going to work if Rere is forced to make such a decision. Rere is a stubborn, rebellious girl. She has been born with a silver spoon in her mouth so she could live independently without men's help. Can I deal with her childish behavior?"

              "Then, you should be the one to change Rere's childish behavior. Sometimes marrying a childish person could turn you back to your younger days, brother. You should be proud to get such a young wife. Why are you being cynical?"

              "Rere is different from those average woman, Bar. She is a proud person and does not want to admit her feelings. I don't want her to regret her decision to marry me."