Approaching Hanin

Rere stomped her foot on the floor. Dino stole one more kiss from her. After doing so, the man went to take a shower.

Rere goes to the restaurant first. her stomach growling asking to be filled. Last night because of exhaustion Rere did not eat at all. Dino's actions just now made Rere even more hungry. The kiss drained all her energy.

She walks alone. Unbeknownst to Rere, Bara followed her from behind. The man had been watching Rere secretly since she left the room.

"Why do you seem cranky?"  Bara's greeting woke Rere from her daydreaming.

"Brother." Rere turned around before she walked beside her brother and took Bara's hand.

"You should've touched your husband's hand, not mine."

Rere annoyedly let go of her brother's hand.

"Isn't it good to be a newlywed? You wash your hair in the morning. How many rounds did you last?" Bara teases his sister.

"What the hell? Pervert!" Rere pouted her lips.