Private Island

"Don't grope, Dino." Rere pinched Dino's arm until the man screamed. Rere's nails are very long so, her pinch even left marks.

"I'm not trying to grope you. I accidentally touched your butt. If I don't push your butt up for you to get on the boat, you'll drown. You should have said thank you, not hitting your husband." Dino frowns, pouting his lips.

"Whatever." Rere folded her arms across her chest. She was still annoyed that Dino had dared to flirt at times like this. Even though Dino had the right to touch her, she didn't want to. There are still no feelings, yet.

"You are annoying. Stupid brat."

"You pedophile," replied Rere, not wanting to lose.

"What did you say? Me? A pedophile?"

"Yes. You're flirting with a kid." Rere confirmed Dino's words that she was still a 'kid'.

"How am I a pedophile? I haven't SLEEP with you yet. Do you want it?" Dino raised his eyebrows.