Broken heart

The last few days Gesa couldn't sleep. She could barely close her eyes. Her body was still lying on the soft mattress with her eyes closed as if she didn't want to end the night. Her memory can still remember clearly the night of Ananya's accident. Everything was so eerie and scary. 

"Please, take care of my husband and daughter!" Ananya said in a breathless voice.

Ayana's hopeful gaze kept appearing in Gesa's head. The accident became a memory she will never forget as it is always replaying in her head. Gesa could feel that the sun was starting to peek out from the horizon from the light making its way through the cracks in the windows. The light reminds her that it was no longer night. Soft breathing could be heard from the person sleeping beside her. Gesa decided to return to Kuching City ​ to meet her mother. Gesa's mother missed her very much and asked her to sleep beside her. Whose mother does not miss her daughter after 3 years of separation?