
Rere smiled happily when she found beautiful fish while snorkeling. The fish in the sea are very beautiful. Rere admires the beauty of the sea at this resort. Humans only destroy nature for their greed. This island is still preserved. The resort development does not destroy nature because it still preserves nature.

For a moment Rere forgot her fight with Dino. The sea made her forget her problems. She forgot all the anger, hurt, and disappointment. The seawater is so clear that when she dives she will see beautiful marine life. Rere enjoys the feast for her eyes as she finds beautiful sea creatures. Rere was amazed to see the coral reefs, but she does not dare to touch them for fear of destroying nature and fear of being electrocuted by the electric eels.

Rere dives deeper looking for various other marine biotas. She found unique marine life that she had never found on other islands.