
"Why do you have to be confused, Re? Just go to KL. As the wife of lo must follow Dino. He's the head of the family." Tia advised Rere. They agreed to have lunch at a Japanese restaurant.

"Until now, I have not been able to accept him as a husband. You know that I married him out of necessity."

"Remember, Re. You have obligations to your husband. First, be obedient and just follow what your husband wants. A good wife must obey her husband. Second, serve your husband. The wife is obliged to serve her husband in bed. Have you done that duty of yours?"

"Not, yet," Rere replied innocently. 

"Oh my goodness, Dino is very patient. It is a sin, you know."

"I know but I can't Tia. I can't accept him, yet."

"Are you still in love with Angga?"