Bara and Dila

Bara's lips kissed every inch of his wife's body. He squeezed and sucked Dila's plump breast.

"It's ticklish, dad," Dila screamed while pressing her husband's manhood firmly. Dila raved, unable to contain the passion that Bara gave.

Bara paused for a moment to stare at his wife. Dila's eyes were already clouded with passion and ready to be fertilized. Bara brought his face closer to Dila's. There is no distance between them.

They could feel each other's breath. Bara was unable to contain the passion that had hit him. He caught his wife's lips and got a reply. Bara stroked Dila's breasts, feeling satisfied because his wife kissed him back.

Bara hugged Dila, resting his head on Dila's chest for comfort. It was quiet and comfortable. Dila is the core of his heart. Only Dila could make him look like an idiot.