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Dino and Rere went down to breakfast with their two children. The family welcomed them with open arms. Bara and Dila couldn't hide their happiness when they saw Rere and Dino holding hands. The dining room was suddenly felt packed since Shaka, Shakel, Salsa, Hanin, and Leon were excited about their food. 

"Our house is more hectic than usual." Ainil smiled happily at Herman.

"Our grandchildren are all gathered." Herman is grateful that in his old age he can gather with his wife, children, son and daughter-in-law, and grandchildren.

"Shaka, Shakel stop fighting," Dila warned her two sons for fighting over food. Shaka and Shakel never got along. They always fight over toys and food.

"Akel started it," Shaka didn't want to get the blame.

"Akha started." Shakel defended himself.

"You guys are always fighting. How many times did I remind you not to fight," Bara was strict with his two sons.

"Dad, help us." Shaka and Shakel turned to Dino.