Burning question

Norma walked high and mighty towards the mare. Prudence stood at some distance, not too far away. She did not want the girl to end up severely injuring herself, but only to scare her of Daisy's personality and never bat her eyelashes at her mare.

Daisy stood there calmly, not lowering her head. She was a proud mustang, after all. Norma walked as though the mare was truly comfortable around her, but she had failed to decipher those lies of Prudence because of her never-ending pride. She held onto the bridle that was around Daisy's nose and pulled it out gently. Surprisingly, Daisy lowered her head for the insolent girl to remove the previous bridle.

Prudence stared at her mare's odd behaviour. When Daisy lifted her head back up, her eyes met with Prudence's and she huffed air, a sign that Prudence failed to understand. This had her walk forward in case Daisy lost control.

Norma tried to bring the mare's head down, but the horse was adamant this time. She then tried to push the bit of the new bridle that she carried in her hand into the horse's mouth by force. There was little anger that surfaced in Norma's eyes seeing the white horse not bend. "Bite this, you stupid animal," she gritted her teeth, forcing the bit by pressure into Daisy's mouth.

"Don't do that!" Prudence shouted with concern for Daisy and not the girl. She ran ahead, but it was too late.

Daisy lost her cool as the bit was forced at the back of her mouth. Her nostrils flared and her neck tensed before she neighed and started jumping in anger. Her hind legs kicked in the air and Daisy almost danced in circles around Norma. "Help! Stop this crazy animal," Norma shouted, raising her hand to cover her face and head. The leather bridle that hung by the bit that was forced into Daisy's mouth flew with her angry hops and smacked against Norma's hand, having the girl scream frantically.

Prudence couldn't go closer, as Daisy was very dangerous right now. "Daisy! Stop, Daisy!" she shouted, but the horse was not ready to listen to anyone.

Mr Weasley ran towards the scene that was being caused by the horse and he shouted at Prudence, "You, stable girl, get that mare away from my daughter right now." He was concerned beyond his life. His daughter was the apple of his eyes and watching her like this made his heart twist and pride hurt.

He knew there was some fault that Norma held here, but Mr Weasley loved his daughter enough to defend her, even in her times of flaws.

Prudence was trying to get closer, but Daisy came raining hell on Norma. The bridle fell from Daisy's mouth and Norma got hold of it, trying to hit the horse with it. But only fanned Daisy's anger.

"Don't hit her. You will make her angrier," Prudence shouted. But Norma was whipping the bridle at the horse, who continued to jump and throw her legs in the air out of anger. Prudence ran closer, this time not caring about Daisy hitting her, and stood in Daisy's path, "Stop Daisy, it's okay. It is okay girl, I am here"

Daisy almost bumped into her before stopping herself in time. Norma was still screaming and watching the horse stop. She lashed out her anger and raised the bridle to hit Daisy, but before it fell on the horse, Prudence stepped ahead, trying to hold the bridle but instead got hit by it. "Move, you lowly stable girl. This animal needs to be punished well. Such ill-mannered horses you have here," saying that Norma tried to hit the horse again, irrespective of Prudence being in the way.

Mr Weasley quickly grabbed his daughter's hand to stop her. Norma almost came to tears at seeing her father. She always tried to look good and innocent in front of others, but today she thought she was near death and her this side came to the surface.

"Come here darling," Mr Weasley pulled his daughter in a hug and Norma clung to her father. Everyone ran for Norma to check whether she was alright while Prudence was the only one who checked on Daisy. There was a red mark that had formed on Prudence's hand when she had stopped the leather which Norma was whipping at Daisy.

Mr Carswell and some other boys who worked at the stable rushed to check on Norma while the girl cried in her father's arms, "Papa, I am so scared. L-let's go home"

"Yes darling," Mr Weasley held her by her shoulder and turned Norma around to walk away. Mr Carswell was quick to walk by the retreating father and daughter. Mr Weasley turned to Mr Carswell and said, "We can record Norma's time some other day. And if that stable girl is trying to bring that horse into the race along with her participation, I already ban her from the racecourse. Tell her she was lucky that her horse did not hurt my daughter today"

Prudence, who was now alone with Daisy, ran her hand over Daisy's head. Luckily, the mare was not injured as Prudence had stepped in between. Daisy brought her nose down to Prudence's hand and huffed where it was red because of the injury.

She rubbed it, "don't worry girl, this won't even bruise. Norma isn't strong enough to whip that hard." The mare raised her head twice and Prudence ran her hand over Daisy's neck. "Everything is okay now. You did good, girl." Prudence saw Mr Weasley and his daughter exiting the horse farm as Mr Carswell was walking back inside the fence.

Prudence saw behind him, and Abiona had arrived there walking towards the fence. Their eyes met, and Prudence waved her to wait. She had to answer Mr Carswell first.

She walked ahead, and Daisy followed her. Mr Carswell gazed with a little disappointment at Prudence. As they came close to each other, he asked, "What was the need to get Daisy out? Look what happened"

Prudence hung her head, talking in a low voice. "Mr Weasley requested to bring Daisy out. Norma had taken a liking towards her, I did warn her."

Mr Carswell sighed, "You know how stubborn that girl can be. Next time tell people that the mare belongs to you. I don't want something like this repeated." Prudence nodded a little shamefully in response, and Mr Carwell put his brown hat back on his head. He turned halfway behind and then back at Prudence, "Go now, your friend is waiting for you." He did not wait for Prudence, and walked away, waving to the other boys at the stable before shouting, "Get back to your work. There is no circus going on here"

Prudence did a gentle bow at Mr Carswell before she sped to where Abiona stood. She had almost forgotten Daisy was behind her and when she came to stand by the fence, Daisy trotted closer and upon seeing Abiona, the mare neighed, lifting her front legs in the air.

Abiona staggered back and Prudence was quick to calm the mare down. "Easy girl, she is a friend"

Abiona chuckled and came to stand on the other side of where Daisy was. "I think she does it on purpose. She must like to mess with me" This had Prudence smile. Only Daisy knew what she was trying to do by scaring Abiona, even though they were well acquainted.

Prudence shifted her attention back to her friend. "What brings you here Abi, finally got some free time from the election campaigns?"

Abiona waved her hand. "It is only the beginning. All the invites and parties and soirees would start now" There was a minor tiredness in her voice as she said those words. After all, it was hectic to look and act sharp around the clock. "But I came to confirm something from you. Aunt Elizabeth came by our house this morning"

A heaviness settled back in Prudence's chest, knowing exactly why her mother had been at Abiona's place. She had almost forgotten about it since she came to the horse farm. Prudence let out a dry laugh, "Ya mama mentioned it."

This had Abiona worried as she placed her hand over Prudence's that was holding on the white fence. Abiona's brows creased as she said, "I did not hear what your mother talked with my father, but Prudence, did you get involved with His Grace last night? Did you, by any chance, offend that man?" The concern in Abiona's voice was heavy as she asked those questions.

She had missed out on what Prudence's mother had talked with her father as they had a chat in his private room, only a few words that leaked through the door.

But when Abiona had gone to her father to ask what it was, he had simply requested her to check up on Prudence, along with other sets of instructions that included warning Prudence about who Lord Dominick was. Abiona herself was aware of him, as her father made sure she knew every important person in Dewrest, being the daughter of a governor.

Prudence was not aware of this man, who everyone referred to as His Grace, as if he was some royalty. This question was burning her since she had danced with him. "Abi, who is this 'His Grace' guy? Isn't it odd to have someone referred to as royalty in the land of democracy?"