Stains of anger

When Prudence returned to her room, she quickly removed all the jewellery and the way her hair had been done. She liked her hair tied because usually the waves would entangle a lot with her work at the horse farm, but she did not like it done for someone.

There was a knock on the door and the maids, Nicola and Agnes, stepped inside the room. They saw the jewellery sprawled on the bed and the Lady was nowhere seen. There was a momentary panic that set in both of them before Prudence stepped out of the bathroom, hair all let down in their full glory. Nicola silently sighed while she truly admired the girl's beauty.

Yesterday she had come in a dishevelled state, but now that she was in good clothes and bathed, Nicola noticed how beautiful her blue eyes looked with her dark orange hair.

On the other hand, Agnes felt a little jealous looking at the girl who was favoured by His Grace and yet was playing hard to get. Agnes had joined the manor as a maid after hearing the rumours that His Grace did not even spare the maids when it came to his lustful needs, but not once had Vincent batted his lashes towards her. Rather, there was Lady Lilian who used to visit Vincent and some other ladies of better status than Agnes, who came to covet Vincent and had won his favour for a short time.

Now it was this stable girl who His Grace had brought here on his own. Agnes couldn't help but envy Prudence, as Agnes herself was from an average middle-class family, which would any day rank above from where Prudence came from.

Prudence noticed the two maids and rolled her eyes, knowing they were here to keep an eye on her.

She went behind the wooden screen to get out of her clothes, as they made her feel uncomfortable. "Let us help you with your clothes, milady," Nicola said as she moved towards the screen. Prudence had a hard time removing corsets before and so she did not deny the request. Taking the silence as a yes, Nicola went behind the screen to help Prudence with removing her clothes.

Agnes did not bother as she eyes the jewellery that was on the bed. Her eyes glittered as she looked at the earpiece and the necklace that was made of pearls. Taking one glance at where Prudence was, Agnes took the earrings and slipped it into her pocket.

Although Prudence was changing behind the wooden frame, she had judged the characters of the two maids by the way they had talked about her to the head maid.

Prudence was sure that Agnes held something bad against her and, coincidently, when Agness slipped the earrings in her dress pocket, Prudence was observing her through the small design on the frame. Somewhere it felt funny for Prudence, as the maid had looked her way before taking the earring and yet missed out on Prudence's blue eyes, which were fixated on her while Nicola was loosening the corset.

"What dress should I get for you, milady?" Nicola asked Prudence as she had noticed how the girl was not comfortable with the rich attires.

Prudence turned back and passed a smile to Nicola, "Thank you for helping with the corset. I will get the dress myself." Prudence knew that Nicola had good in her heart, but that did not mean she would get attached or would not be wary of her. There were also other things that Prudence wanted to confirm.

Nicola did not stress over helping the girl because Prudence had been reluctant about receiving help since yesterday. It was better, thought Nicola to herself, that the lady adjusted here in her own ways.

Prudence opened the cupboard and the first thing she saw was the lowest drawer and, surprisingly, there was a new set of bedsheets there instead of the knotted rope. Vincent was taunting her by keeping so many bedsheets here, enough that she could even let them down from the top of the tower of this manor and they would reach the ground. Prudence clenched her fist, remembering his warning and the way Vincent had cornered her twice for that.

She brought out a skirt and a shirt that looked like it was made out of fine silk and wore them, as she would have felt comfortable in this attire at any time of the day.

Outside Dominick's manor, a familiar carriage rode through the path that was hooded with trees. The guards opened the doors of the carriage to pass, knowing His Grace had been expecting them. The blue carriage made its way through the garden and the large path, which was paved in a circle around a fountain, before finally coming to a halt in front of a gigantic main door of the manor.

The coachman got down to open the door for the persons riding inside the carriage. Mr Thatcher and his daughter Abiona got down from the carriage and the butler came to receive them both.

"Good Afternoon, Mr Thatcher, His Grace has been expecting you." The butler led the father and daughter through the waiting area to the west wing where Vincent's study was located, away from Prudence's room, which was in the east wing. The butler knocked on the door before announcing, "His Grace, Mr Thatcher is here with Ms Thatcher."

"Let them in," came the reply from inside and the butler opened the door for the Thatchers without stepping inside.

Vincent graciously sat on his chair while on one side, Drakos bowed to the governor of Dewrest. "I wasn't expecting Lady Abiona to accompany you today, Mr Thatcher. What would you have?"

Haris Thatcher shook his head as he removed his hat to be held between his arm and torso, "We will be good, thank you, Lord Dominick."

Vincent was quick to turn to Drakos and signal him, "Drakos, get some good tea for the governor and his daughter." Drakos bowed and left the room. Vincent flashed his charming smile to the governor and pointed to the chairs with his hand, "Please have a seat, make yourself at home."

Abiona, who had been tensed since the time she had come here, looked at Drakos as he exited the room remembering what had happened yesterday. Luckily, she was still able to walk today, but she still felt weak and had fainted yesterday after reaching her mansion. Elizabeth Warrier had accompanied Abiona and told everything that had happened with His Grace coming to their house and taking Prudence away, and how Lord Drakos had sunk his teeth into Abiona as a threat to Prudence.

Mr Thatcher took a seat in front of Vincent, helping his daughter sit in the adjacent chair. "His Grace, I come here with a humble request today," Mr Thatcher said in a worried voice, referring Vincent as His Grace and not Lord Dominick as he was allowed to.

Vincent, who had leaned back into his chair, crossed his leg over the other, "Of course Mr Thatcher, you know I will always help you as long as our interests don't collide." Vincent had cleared with that one statement that whatever the governor was here for was not going to be offered to him.

There was no doubt he was here for Prudence, and Vincent was going to hand her over to him, or anyone, for that matter.

"His Grace, Prudence is like a daughter to me and I have heard you have taken a liking towards her," Mr Thatcher did not know how to frame it but he said what was on his mind. "The girl only has her mother. Please let her go back to her and I will personally make sure that Prudence can meet you regularly and developed the relationship between you both." Although Mr Thatcher did not want Prudence to be associated with this man, the worst had already happened.

Abiona looked at her father in disbelief on hearing how he was ready to let Prudence meet this man, but she was smart enough to know her voice was not needed here.

Vincent hummed, thinking for a second as if giving them a little ray of hope when the maids came inside with the three teacups. They served it to the guest first and then to Vincent before bowing and leaving.

"Have the tea," Vincent said, and Abiona and her father passed a glance before picking up the cups and taking a sip. It was rude to deny the king. Vincent waited for the door to shut when he spoke, "Mr Thatcher, let me be very honest. I have no intention of letting Prudence go from here. I have provided with two maids for her mother, so I doubt she would be lonely without her daughter. As for the relationship between me and Prudence, that would develop in time that she is here."

Mr Thatcher's heart gripped at hearing that. He had offered a good deal and yet His Grace was not ready to agree on it. "But His Grace, I will myself provide Prudence with a carriage to come visit your every day."

"Mr Thatcher," Vincent called his name in a cold tone, and it was enough to give him the answer, yet Vincent said it out crisp and clear, "I don't believe I left any room for negotiation here. "

Abiona, who had been hearing it since the time she had come here, could not help but want to speak up. Her eyes shifted to look at her father, who was trying to mutter up the courage to speak when Vincent had denied any negotiation. Abiona took a deep breath before she spoke, "Please, your Grace, Prudence is not used to the glittering of gold. She is a simple girl-"

"She will get used to it," Vincent cut her mid-sentence, "besides I am not forcing her into any glittering gold and shiny gems. She is taking her time to get comfortable here. In her own ways," Vincent smirked at the end.

Mr Thatcher finally got himself to speak, convincing himself that this was Prudence and someone he held on the same level as Abiona, "It is illegal to hold someone captive like this"

Prudence had grown any different from Abiona. She was showered with all the virtues and teachings that Abiona got. But the only difference that fell was Prudence lived in the lowest part where her mother had suffered enough and she had to learn to fight for the little family she had. After all, a single mother with a child is always looked down on and judged in the most wrong ways possible. Mr Thatcher had tried to give everything to Prudence, and yet she had stood straight on her own.

But Mr Thatcher wanted to give that girl the care of a father and if didn't even try for her today, then he would feel like he had failed.

Vincent did not take his words lightly. His eyes filled with mirth seeing the man trying to warn him. He was nothing in Vincent's eyes. Until yesterday he was just a pawn for use, but today, he was someone important to Prudence, and if he hurt Mr Thatcher, he knew it would get more tough for him to get Prudence to come around.

Vincent's fang started to come out with the anger that brimmed in his eyes and one of his fangs prick his tongue as he closed his eyes holding back the anger and tasting his own blood.

"Mr Thatcher, I see where your emotions come from," Vincent gave him a cold icy glare and it was enough for Mr Thatcher to pray to god for his neck. "But let's not forget who runs the place here, okay? It would not take even a wave of my finger before your entire family is wiped out. So be understanding and let things go the way they are for the sake of yourself and for Prudence." Vincent carefully whispered the last words as a threat and a warning to the governor.

The atmosphere was so heavy that anyone who entered could feel the bloodlust that Vincent was oozing right now. He had never held back this much before apart for his own family members, and Vincent hoped Mr Thatcher and his daughter would be smart enough to keep shut and leave the place.

Mr Thatcher gave one look at Abiona, who looked mortified at hearing Vincent's words. She did not want them coming here to become a problem for Prudence.

Abiona placed her hand on her father's arm when Mr Thatcher was about to speak something again. It had him stop and Vincent, who had noticed this small exchange of gesture, smiled with satisfaction. The fear that loomed in the air was making him hungry and he continued to stare down dead at the father and daughter, who looked lost in front of him.

. Of course, that was exactly what he loved to do to people. Watch them squirm under his gaze as he continued to serve them with more fear to feel.

Abiona stood up and, watching this, Mr Thatcher had to follow as well. The threat that Vincent had given was an empty one. Vincent Dominick never did that, and it was better that they left the place now. He had already said Prudence was adjusting and Abiona hoped she would be fine.

The Prudence's life that was left behind, Abiona would handle it herself. She would always check up on her mother and make sure Daisy was well taken care of.

"We will be taking our leave then, His Grace," Mr Thatcher bowed deep and so did Abiona.

Vincent passed them a charming smile, "Be careful on your way back. And I hope next time you are here, you come as the governor of this place, not Prudence's dear Guardian."

Mr Thatcher felt his hand clench but he could not do anything here, "Yes, His Grace." All he could do was hope that Prudence stayed safe, as promised by Vincent. Abiona turned to leave with her dad, her body feeling a little dizzy as she held onto her father's arm. They reached the door when a maid, as if on cue, opened it for them.

Abiona's feet suddenly stopped. She gingerly turned around and Vincent titled his head to a side to see what more this girl had. "Can I meet her once?" Abiona asked pleadingly.

It had taken a long time for Vincent to bring Prudence here by choosing the right time and right place. She was already trying to escape here, and the last he wanted was for Prudence to get any more encouragement after meeting her dear friend. He gave a solemn smile to Abiona, "Not today, Lady Abiona. She has plans for lunch with me now. You should take care of your health for the time being."

The statement immediately reminded Vincent of the breakfast time and he wondered what kind of grave was Prudence going to dig for herself.

Abiona hung her head low, and giving a gentle bow, left the room. Vincent was left in the room alone as he lifted his cup of tea, made especially for him, infused with blood. He drank the contents in one gulp and when he kept the cup back; it clattered on the soccer, breaking both the cup and the soccer into pieces.

There were enough people who cared for Prudence and all the more reasons for her to want to leave this place, that very fact infuriated Vincent.

The maid was quick to enter the room to clean the shattered pieces of glass, and Vincent got up to leave. His sudden action had the maid jolt when Vincent gave her a cold glare. She took her eyes back to the shattered pieces and cleaning the bloodstains left by Vincent.