Weasley Mansion

Note: Sometimes it takes time for me to do the final edits to the chapter so the chapter names kept { next) }


Prudence gulped as she heard what Vincent had said, "y-you did?" Her head shot up to her ear remembering the piercing pain a while back. The little groove on her skin that stung at her touch only made her heart go frantic. 

"Let me have your blood Prudence, it has been a week since I had fresh...human... blood," His voice whispered as so close to her she could feel him. His warm breath rolling over her gently parted lips. Her could feel the tremble under her skin. The shiver of fear as his crimson eyes gazed her lips and then shifted to her eyes asking for her approval. She was still rejecting him and yet her body was singing a different rhythm. The one that Vincent was making her sing. 

Her eyes raised to meet his under her creased brows, "why do you want to kill me? After asking to chain me to you forever."