Making a point

Prudence left Daisy free, even though she was worried the forest would remind her of her birth home and run wild. Vincent though, had no worry about Ember. He was a well breed family horse and even though raised wild, he responded to calls like an obedient pet. 

The fears which Prudence had did not really come true. Daisy simply stepped in the small pond. 

It was not as big to be called a lake, pond was a better reference even though it was twice the size of a pond. Vincent climbed upwards casually on the muddy path beside the waterfall while Prudence struggled with her dress. This was one of the many times she thought it was better to wear a skirt. Dresses were heavy and long enough to sweep the ground while skirts were simply two layers of fabric which ended above the ankle. 

"Do you want me to carry you up?" Vincent asked as he waited for Prudence to mange her steps.