Puzzle to solve

Prudence walked behind Vincent with quick short steps as her heart continued to thump in her chest. She could swear it was so loud a while back, she was about to pass out. On the other hand, Vincent walked casually correcting his clothes.  Prudence was not scared of Norma but it would be lie if said the men did not scare. 

However, Vincent had yet again proven his strength by the ease with which he killed them all. 

More than that, Prudence was scared for Norma because she would have lost life for the games Prudence played. With the thoughts swirling in her mind, Prudence was falling behind Vincent. "Did you already grow so attached to the racecourse?" Vincent questioned as he stopped in his track to turn around. 

Prudence snapped out her daze and quickly shook her head, "Pardon."