Frightening Courage

"You can talk quite well," Lady Cermesi remarked. She was about to express her opinion regarding it when Prudence smiled back and spoke,

"I am not offered that compliment often," she made sure to not give Lady Cermesi time to speak. Prudence only knew two things: this Lady was extremely important and extremely dangerous. With high tone, so the people in the kitchen would hear, Prudence requested, "Madam Bertha, Mister Orson, His Grace has estimated guests over. Kindly offer them good service. Lady Cermesi why don't you and your daughter take a seat. If you are not comfortable enough, I shall finish my meal later." 

There was pin drop silence in the room. Even Orson did not know what to do and how to get out of this. 

But he was one good butler, when asked he immediately pulled the chair of Lady Cermesi to take seat. The two maids who had retreated to the kitchen whispered to each other.