Lost control

When Prudence opened her eyes a wave of weakness washed over her. She had filled herself up enough to be feeling this weak. Prudence grunted as she looked around the dark room. The fire was burning in the dark and a light sound of crickets filled her ears. 

She shifted on the bed to to sleep on her back. When Prudence turned she looked to her other side. 

"Looks like you had a good sleep," Vincent spoke. Prudence jolted from her place and moved backwards to onlyfind herself at the edge of the bed. Vincent grabbed her arm and pulled her back onto the bed, "it is sad to you still scared of me." His face tunred into a pity for himself. While Prudence was still finding herself tough to come back to this world after the good nape she had. But she still felt like she might need a little more sleep. 

Prudence creased her brows, "any girl would be scared to find a man in her bed right after waking up."