Paranormal Phenomenon

"What are you doing? Is this great immortal crossing the robbery?"

"Panghu, you don't use small videos every day. Why can't they make it out of the fire these days? A special effect excites you like this."

Huang Xiaohu, nicknamed Fat Tiger, said anxiously: "No, this time it's something that happened in our county. Come and see!"

The crowd gathered at this time, and Li Yunfei also curiously leaned over to look at the phone in Fat Tiger's hand. .

What he was browsing was a local comprehensive website called "Window of Yudong", and he saw a video playing on his mobile phone, and Fat Tiger clicked to replay it.

In the video, there is a woman covered in fire. Her clothes have disappeared. She should have been burned by the flames. They can faintly see her graceful figure, full of blue silk floating in the flames.

And the video shooter was still speaking in the local dialect, coupled with the familiar environment, so Fat Tiger instantly confirmed that this was what happened locally.

"Fuck, it's not because someone spilled gasoline on it! This is a big case, Yingzi, you have something to do."

Yingzi is a criminal police officer, so the person who spoke it said so.

Fat Hu said: "Don't worry, you guys watch it first."

The woman who caught fire in the video was panicked at this time, and said "Help...Help me" and the like.

Someone nearby is calling for a fire extinguisher or something.

Strangely, after more than ten seconds, the flame on the woman suddenly disappeared and she collapsed to the ground. Then a mosaic appeared in the video.

But one second before the mosaic appeared, everyone clearly saw that there was no sign of burns on the woman's body, her skin was still white, and her hair was not hurt at all.

The scene suddenly calmed down, and everyone looked at each other with surprises in their eyes.

For a long time, Yingzi looked at Li Yunfei, frowned and said, "This... doesn't look like a special effect."

Li Yunfei nodded slowly, and there was a faint feeling in his heart that this world was different.

Not only because of the killing god system he suddenly obtained, but also the various supernatural phenomena that have occurred everywhere in the past few months.

A few days ago, someone photographed a figure floating in the air, lightning flashes and thunder in the sky, and many electric snakes slashed towards that figure.

However, many people felt that it was more like that figure led the thunder and lightning to themselves.

There is also a company's surveillance probe, the company's computers, printers and other machinery were turned on inexplicably at night.

The computer chair with wheels also slides on its own, just like an invisible person is sitting on it. The door of the room will automatically open and close for no reason.

There is also a video of a Taoist wearing a Taoist robe, flying from the bottom of a cliff with his left foot on his right foot and flying onto a fifteen- or six-meter-high cliff.

The man turned his back to the camera, and there was no commentary in the video, but some people still recognized it. It seemed that he always told people to believe in science, and there is no long way of thinking in the world.

I believe you a ghost, you're a stubborn, old-fashioned man, Tiyun Zong has come out, and he said he didn't have any light work?

Those so-called modern fighters who were going to go to Wudang to kick the gym suddenly died down.

There used to be a legend that people who kicked the hall in Wudang were beaten to vomit blood. They always thought it was a bragging hype,

but now it seems... But these videos have one thing in common. They were deleted by the entire network soon after they came out.

Of course, some people save the video. For example, Fat Tiger saved a few videos.

But as long as he posts it online, he will be deleted in seconds, and even his social network account will be blocked.

If there are two things, everyone should just look at it. It's mostly somebody's special effects used to bluff people.

It's like the "Dragon Totem Girl" incident that has been circulated on the Internet for many years. In the end, it was confirmed to be a special effect.

But when there are too many things like this, and they happen in a concentrated way, and they also happen in a familiar environment, then it can't be explained by a single sentence of special effects.

The question is why these phenomena have not occurred before? Is there anything special this year?

Someone whispered: "This...isn't it a sign of the coming of the end times? All demons and ghosts are coming out, and then some people of choice awaken..."

Someone immediately laughed and said: "Your kid is a sign of the end times. Right!"

Yingzi looked at the man with a serious expression, and said: "Don't believe in rumors and spread the rumors. How many years has the doomsday theory been spread?"

There are 99, 00, 04, 12, 36 in modern times. In these years, people have also made many far-fetched so-called visions."

"But the 21st century is almost halfway through, isn't the world all right?"

The man smiled awkwardly. Said: "I'll just say that, don't be serious!"

Yingzi groaned a little, and asked Fat Hu: "When did this video come out?"

"Just refreshed a few minutes ago, fucking, 404 again. Now, I haven't had time to save it yet."

Fat Tiger refreshed it subconsciously as he said, and the video was lost as a result.

Yingzi said to Li Yunfei: "This incident should disturb the situation. I'll go to the scene and have a look. You can go and eat by yourself!"

Li Yunfei patted her on the shoulder and exhorted, "Be careful, I'm afraid it's not that simple."

"Don't worry. "

Yingzi walked quickly to the women's locker room. She was on vacation today. Who knew this strange thing would happen.

For a long time to come, it is estimated that she will have no vacation.

Someone tentatively said: "I see what happened in the video, it seems to be on the side of Xiaobei Street, shall we..."

Everyone looked at each other and went to the locker room with great tacit understanding.

Li Yunfei followed everyone to the locker room, and said: "Hey, you can go, I have something to do, go back first, remember to tell me the situation later, this meal is owed first, and I will invite you next time."

Fat Tiger Surprised: "Aren't you going to see?"

Li Yunfei said nonchalantly: "What's so interesting? If it's a farce, it's just a waste of time."

"If there is any situation, it is estimated that you will arrive there, the scene. has long been controlled, we can not know the truth, to inform the police and the media waiting to see it! " "

uh ... "

Pan Hu steps meal, scratching his cheek and said:"! ... seems some truth Ha "

but words Nevertheless, it is human nature to watch the excitement, so how can they be reconciled if they don't go to the scene to see it?

In fact, if Li Yunfei had something more important, he would definitely be tempted to see it.

Go to the locker room to take off the tactical vests and camouflage uniforms, change back to their casual sportswear, stuff a toy into the camouflage carrying backpack, and head to the parking lot.

Li Yunfei drove the BJ240 off-road vehicle he bought after returning from the military, and returned to his home.

The live-action CS base is located in the western suburbs of Yudong County, about eight kilometers away from the "Bailu Peninsula" community where Li Yunfei's home is located.

After ten minutes, he drove the car into his own parking space in the underground parking lot.

After experiencing that his parking space was occupied by other cars many times, he installed a triangular parking space lock on the parking space, but now he has never been occupied by others.