Dish 5:

The sound of a rooster screeching caused Caspian to twitch. He groaned in his pillow before he tried to sleep again, he was about to fall back in his peaceful slumber before the rooster released another screech.

"Dammit" sighed Caspian out as he sat up from bed.

He looked at his small window and saw that the rooster was perched right on his window sill looking right at him. The bird had a smug look on its beak as it released another loud screech looking right at Caspian.

"Your dead" mumbled Caspian as a irk mark appeared on his forehead as he lunged towards the bird only for it to fly away.

Caspian released a string of curse words as he saw the bird get away. He looked at the bed rest which he didn't notice last night and saw there was a clock on it showing the time to be 4:30 in the morning. When he saw the time, he released a sigh and rubbed his eyes.

"Well guess I'll go take a shower and look for some food" thought Caspian as he grabbed the folded-up uniform and walked towards the shower.

He closed the door behind him and twisted the shower nobles. As he waited for the water to heat up, he took his clothes off discarding them neatly on the floor. He soon started to unwrap the bandages on his body and once they were off, he saw that his wounds had fully healed leaving only a white scar of three slash marks on his side leading to his stomach. Caspian released a sigh once more before he climbed in the shower feeling the temperature was exactly right. The hot water soothed all the fatigue out of his body as he grabbed a bar of soap that was sitting on a stand. He started to scrub his body as the steam floated slowly in the air. After about 10 minutes the teen closed the water and climbed out taking a nearby cloth and dried his body off. After he was dry, he started to put on his chef uniform and found that it sat on him perfectly.

"Huh that's strange i wonder how they knew my size?" thought Caspian to himself as he looked in the mirror.

The dark blue chef jacket sat snuggly on his body as he rolled the sleeves up to stop just at his elbow and the chef pants sat nicely on his lower half as he walked out the room folding up his t-shirt and sweat pants. He saw a pair of black chef shoes resting at his bed with pairs of socks in a small woven basket. Caspian put on socks and put the shoes on feeling he must work them in a bit before they feel comfortable. The teen walked to his knife bag and like a magnet it suddenly stuck on the backside of waist right at the top of his buttocks.

"Huh didn't know it could do that?" mussed Caspian out to himself before walking out his home.

Once outside he saw a few people walk around some of them were yawing while others were walking like zombies around. He saw that a lot of them were going to a large hall next to the houses and saw some came walking out with food in their hands. Deciding that had to be a mess hall the teen started to walk towards it and when he arrived his guess was correct as groups of people sat by tables with plates of food in front of them. The teen saw a table and a woman was handing out portions of people.

Caspian got in the line and grabbed a plate which was on a desk at the end of the line. It took him a few minutes but he was finally in the front of the row. The woman appeared to be in her early twenties, she wore a pink chef jacket with blue buttons and white chef pants. She had golden yellow hair which was made into a tight bun as her pink colored eyes glowed softly, her complexation was a powder snow as some bags could be seen under her eyes, she must have been up cooking late to prep all this food.

"Good morning sir what can I get you?" she greeted cheerfully looking at Caspian.

"Uhm what do you have?" answered Caspian giving the woman a small smile back.

"Well, we got eggs, bacon, beans, bread and finally stir fry" said the woman looking over her left shoulder where a row of containers were that showed the hot food steaming slightly.

"I'll take some bacon and bread please" said Caspian making the woman nod.

As she was busy dishing up some food for Caspian, he saw her shoulders shake slightly.

"Mmm she's got shoulder cramps must have been from the long hours" thought Caspian to himself.

When the woman came back, she handed the teen his plate of food and a bottle of water.

"Thank you and can I tell you something?" said Caspian.

"Sure" said the woman.

"After your work shift you should lay down and rest your shoulders preferable put something warm on your shoulders it will help with the muscle aches" spoke Caspian as he walked away.

The womans eyes widened before she smiled at Caspian's fading form.

"Thank you I'll do that!" she shouted as Caspian threw a thumbs up in the air.

Caspian walked around for a bit before he found an empty table away from everyone, what can he say he likes eating privately. As he started to eat, he heard someone clear their throat behind him drawing his attention away from his food. There standing a few feet away from him was two people. It was a girl and a boy who were the same age as him. The girl on the left was of average height. She wore the same uniform as him and had magenta color hair made in high pony tail, while her eye color consisted of soft grey, her complexation was powder snow white. Hanging over her shoulder was a long leather sheath. The guy was a bit taller than her but still not as tall as Caspian. He had worn the same uniform and he had his beige colored hair cut in an undercut hair style while his eye color consisted of a dark blue. He had a leather sheath sitting on his hips. His complexion the same as the girl.

"Mind if we sit here all the other tables are full" asked the girl smiling sheepishly.

"Uhm yeah sure" responded Caspian as he moved his food abit on the table to make space for them.

Both smiled and sat down by the table.

"My name is Jules Watt it's nice to meet you" said the girl holding her hand out for a hand shake.

"Caspian Noir" responded Caspian as he shook her hand.

"And this is Arthur Dragoon" she pointed at the guy who nodded towards Caspian as a greeting.

"He doesn't talk a lot sorry about that" said Jules scratching her cheek.

"No problem" said Caspian as he gave the two a small smile.

"Mannn I'm nervous though for today!" said Jules as she played with her food.

"Whys that?" asked Caspian.

"Today is combat training! And they want us to spar with one another its completly unfair especially for people like us that's never fought!" ranted Jules as Arthur wordlessly nodded.

"Combat training huh?" mumbled Caspian to himself taking a bite to eat.

"What star potential do you have?" asked Jules with her mouth full of food.

"3 Star" answered Caspian calmly.

"WHATTTTT!" shouted Jules standing up abruptly making her draw a few looks.

She noticed the looks and chuckled embarrassed before sitting back down.

"That's insane me and Arthur here only have 2-star potential" said Jules looking down at her food.

"I don't get the point of this potential thing" said Caspian causing them both to look at him.

"If you got the will and desire to push past your limits you can reach any heights you want, not everything is set in stone" answered Caspian looking down at his food.

A flash back came in the mind of the teen as it showed him stand in front of his cooking station, the sun had long ago set in the sky and the moon peaked its head out, he was busy cutting vegetables over and over until he finally mastered the cut making it near perfect it took him 2 years but he finally did it even when everyone said he couldn't.

While Caspian looked at his food Jules and Arthur had a look of shock on their face. They could get stronger past the 2-star rank if they pushed their limits? It sounded crazy everyone knows that the star rank you get is final you can't change it, yet this man simply states you can change destiny? It was madness yet he made it sound so possible.

Jules had a smile on her face as even Arthur had a small smile.

"Alright its decided!" said Jules loudly making Caspian look up.

She pointed a finger in Caspian's direction and had a big smile on her face.

"I'll become strong so strong that I will become a 5 star and beat you watch me Caspian!" stated Jules.

Caspian had a smirk on his face as he looked Jules in the eyes.

"If you think I'll take that declaration face down you got another thing coming I'll get stronger than you no matter how long it takes" replied Caspian.

"Your wrong ill beat you both" said Arthur his voice deep as it's the first time he spoke in the conversation.

"Haaaah? Hell, no you aint beating me bub" said Jules as she ranted towards Arthur who calmly ate his breakfast.

After the group had eaten a massive ringing drew everyone's attention.

"That's the notification of training starting" said Jules standing up.

"C'mon lets go start this training!" shouted Jules a fire was lit in her soul and she was ready to train.

Caspian chuckled softly at Jules motivation and he can't help be feel pumped for training as well. The trio walked out the mess hall and followed the group of people only to arrive at a massive empty plain. 4 people were standing in front of them wearing the chef uniform and they held their hands behind them, right on the middle of the four people someone walked forwards. It was a male who appeared to be in his early twenties, he had short buzz cut blue hair with dark hazel nut color eyes. On his hip was leather sheath.

"Morning chefs!" shouted the man making everyone stand up straight.

"Morning Chef Lex!" responded everyone but Caspian who didn't know the man's name.

"Today will be combat training as you all may have heard" stated Lex earing groans of complaints.

"You all will be doing basic fighting drills then at the end we will spar with one another that clear?" said Lex.

"Yes sir!" shouted everyone.

"Then let's get to it" said Lex smiling.