Dish 7:

Four days has passed since Caspian learnt to release his Stock Energy and it had not been easier since then. Every day Ryu would demand to spar with the teen fighting for hours apon hours causing Caspian to pay daily visit to Valentine who would heal him. On the second day they started to practice knife skills on training dummies. The teen couldn't be seen having multiple knifes so he took out his chef Knife out before time but then that's when he learnt something about his knife roll. He only had to say the words "Activate", which made the lightning bolts glow dark purple, and then say the name of the knife he wants and the roll with open at the one side shooting out the handle of the knife you wanted. You then just draw the handle out and bam you got the knife you wanted.

Now stock control was still tough for him as at the beginning he simply had too much flowing out to perform small movements with it like directing it to the knife changing its form. After a few days, the only control he was able to achieve for now is to run the Stock energy from his stomach to his dominate arm which is holding the knife. The stock then gets eaten by the knife and changes into its cooking form. He also found out that the knife skills they were teaching was the exact same basic knife skills Le Vrai taught him to prepare ingredient's obviously strong with Stock energy running through it.

It was the night before the mission and the teen couldn't help feel anxious about it.

"Will he be strong enough to fight against mutants if they show up?" was the thought that was currently on repeat in his head.

"Dammit" said the teen to himself as he sat up out of bed and got out.

He was wearing his black shirt with sweat pants as he quickly put his shoes on. Caspian then grabbed his knife bag and walked out his house to the training field. The time was 10 pm and no one was around, the spot lights had been turned on illuminating the dusty plain. He placed the knife bag on his waist which for some strange reason also stuck to his sweat pants like his uniform.

"Let's do this" muttered Caspian as he started to run the Stock energy from his stomach to his body.

His right fist was engulfed in purple flames before the flames started to slowly spread upwards on his arm. The flames spread all the way from his right arm to his left arm. Caspian's was taking slow breaths, sweat was dripping down his forehead as he started to direct the flames to his legs. Once the flames reached his feet they retracted back into his body. He breathed again and then preformed a basic kick. The force behind the kick brought a massive dust cloud and a crack formed on the ground traveling outwards.

"Shit I waisted to much" cussed Caspian as he panted softly.

The amount of Stock energy he put into that kick was far more that necessary and it drained his energy too much. Caspian clicked his tongue before he started again preforming kick after kick trying to reduce how much Stock he puts out. The teen kept doing this for two more hours before he was panting and his Stock levels had been dwindled to half.

"Time for knife skills" panted the teen out as he stood up straight.

"Activate: Chef Knife" spoke Caspian out softly.

His roll glowed purple before a black and white handle shot from the role. Caspian gripped the handle tightly and pulled the blade out reveling the shining steel blade.

Caspian then ran Stock energy through the blade and it shown brightly before the light dialed down. The chef knife size changed to the size of Caspian as he brought it up resting both hands on his on the handle.

"Knife Skill: Jullien" said Caspian as he performed the cut.

Wind pressures were released as 5 scars ran along the floor showing them to be deep cuts.

"Tch to little power" reprimanded Caspian himself as he went through the different cuts.

"Oi what are you doing?" said a voice behind Caspian making him look behind him.

There standing behind him was Toru. She was wearing a pair of black exercise leggings and wore a dark grey sports bra. She had a very toned body as her six-pack glistened softly from a light layer of sweat that was on her body. She wore a pair of white high top exercising shoes. Her hair was made into a bun but a few bangs stuck out and framed her face. Her chef Knife was resting on her shoulder in cooking mode as she looked at Caspian.

"I'm training" answered Caspian simply.

He went back to swinging his blade around and performing basic knife skills.

"How are you so good?" muttered Toru.

"Good with what?" asked Caspian confused panting softly.

"Everything!" shouted Toru suddenly.

"You get enormous amounts of Stock energy, you get more than one knife, you're learning how to fight with Ryu every day and seems like this isn't your first time holding a chef knife or doing knife skills!" said Toru walking forwards and grabbed Caspian by the shirt pulling him closer.

"I had to claw and scratch my way up to where I am now, I had to train every day and every night to be as strong as I am now yet here you are getting all these things like your some deities favorite or something it's not fair!" shouted Toru gritting her teeth as she glared daggers at Caspian.

The teen didn't say anything for a while before he placed a hand on Toru's one gripping his shirt. Toru was confused for a second before she felt pain in her hand as Caspian started to twist it.

"Let go of my shirt" muttered Caspian softly.

"What you say?" said Toru loudly before she felt a chill go down her spine.

Caspian was looking at her with cold emotionless eyes his grip tightens on her hand before he pulled it off his shirt.

"You're saying it's not fair? Grow up Toru" stated Caspian looking back into Toru's eyes.

"Life isn't fair, there is always someone better than you in the world what are you going to do about it just sit down and cry about it?" said Caspian.

"What did you just say?" asked Toru slowly a vein started to throb on her forehead as a look of hate was etched on her face.

"ILL KILL YOU!" she shouted as she quickly brought up her chef knife.

Due to all the fighting with Ryu Caspian's senses has been honed quite well so he quickly dodged out the way of the knife strike. He wasn't quite fast enough though as a cut appeared on his face which soon started to bleed.

"You don't give up if you see someone strong Toru you train and get stronger than them!" shouted Caspian.

"I SAID SHUT UP!" roared Toru as she lunged forwards with the knife held high.

Caspian quickly brought his knife in an upwards strike and when the two blades connected a shower of sparks was created. Toru pushed her entire weight on the blade trying to push Caspian back but the teen also pushed back. Seeing that the it was going to be a stale mate Toru leaned back causing Caspian to stumble forwards, she quickly reacted and dropped to the floor performing an upwards spinning kick which launched Caspian in the air.

"S... Shit" thought Caspian as blood was spewing out his mouth.

As he was falling to the floor Toru ran at him her blade gaining a bright blue hue.

"DIEEE!" roared Toru as she slashed forwards releasing a glowing blue slash which traveled right towards Caspian.

Said teens eyes widened before he was engulfed in an explosion causing the ground to shake.

Toru was leaning on her knife panting roughly as she poured almost all her Stock in that slash. A memory came in her mind as she was staring at the massive dust cloud. It showed a young Toru stand by a bed she was holding the hand of her father which was breathing shallowly.

"T... Toru you must fight" spoke the man out gravely.

"But papa you promised you'd protect me!" shouted young Toru tears pouring out her eyes.

"I'm...I'm sorry but papa isn't going to make it" said the man causing Toru to cry harder.

"In this world Toru you must be strong to survive otherwise you will die" started the man resting a hand on Toru's head.

"And I don't want you to die my girl I want you to live a long life" said the man as a smile appeared on his face.

"So, fight... Fight to live" finished the man his hand going lax on Toru's head.

The girl looked up from the floor and saw her father had passed away with a smile on her face. Nurses came into the room and escorted Toru out the room who was crying her heart out. Once outside Toru carried on crying for a few hours before she stopped.

"I promise Papa I'll be strong... I'll fight" muttered Toru a look of determination etched on her face.

Back in reality Toru shook her head to clear the memory. She didn't need it distracting her now, she must not be weak.

"Did I kill him?" muttered Toru a tinge of concern flash in her eyes before the dust cloud suddenly dispersed.

Standing there leaning on his chef knife was Caspian, he had a massive diagonal cut on his chest which was pouring out blood making a puddle underneath him.

"Dammit" muttered Caspian as his vision was starting to get blurry.

"No not yet body" thought Caspian as he stood up from leaning on the chef knife and held it high above his head.

"Toru... you are strong probably one of the strongest people I've met but... you use your strength for the wrong reason!" shouted Caspian shocking Toru.

"The strong are supposed to protect the weak not shun them! Their supposed to help drive the weak into become strong! What you're doing is nothing more than a child throwing a tantrum!!" roared Caspian his chef knife was suddenly engulfed in a blaze of purple and black flames.

"Thanks for showing me a new trick ill just make it better" muttered Caspian his eyes glowing softly as he poured all his Stock in the blade

The teen roared and brought down the glowing blade.

"Coupe-soleil [Sun Cutter]!!!!" shouted Caspian brining the blade down.

A massive purple slash left the blade as it towered upwards caressing the rocks at the top of the Burrow. Massive gale winds flowed through the training grounds and rumbles shook the ground. After a few minutes everything settled down as the dust and smoke settled down. Toru stood there with eyes the size of saucers, she slowly looked to the left and saw a massive groove was carved in the earth leading almost out the training ground. The cut was mere centimeters away from the girl.

"Damn I missed" said Caspian making the girl look at him only to see him fall over passed out.

His chef knife glowed before it shrunk back into storage mode. The girl walked up to the fallen teen and looked at him.

"Caspian" she muttered as she remembered his statement before unleashing that monstrous skill.

She wordlessly changed her knife back to storage mode and put it away. The girl then bent down and picked the teen up carrying him to the nursing wing in her left hand was his chef knife.

"You're an idiot you didn't miss you didn't want to hit me" spat Toru out.