Chapter 1:

'Mummy can I get that one?' my sister solicited my mother.

My mother looked at the stuffed bear seated on the display in the shop and checked her purse.

'Dear, we came here to purchase the necessary items for moving in. Teddy bears aren't necessary items.' Mom stated.

'But mom~ I can decorate my room with that. Look at it, isn't it the cutest?' she spoke to the bear adoringly.

'Well, I guess so, if you already don't have three of these.' she shot a look at my sister which means, let it go.

And that's unlike Kiara, so she kept begging anyway.

'Moom, I promise this is the last one. I promise!' she begged.

My mom nodded disapprovingly.

'No, not happening dear. Let's get something useful, like a nice vase or a lamp.' she compensated.

She sighed in utter disappointment.

And then, she faced my direction.

'Trish dear, put that phone away, we're moving to a new city, how exciting is that? We just need to shop for essentials like soap and clothes since we're moving to a brand new house and we need to make sure we don't forget everything. Okay?' she explained.

I heard it, but let it go through my other ear.

'Uh-huh.' I replied bluntly while texting and posting about my moving to a new house to my online buddies.

They were all so happy for me, but who knows if that's how they feel.

A couple of emojis and congratulations don't mean they are happy for you.

I have more than 100 thousand followers on viper net and I'm pretty much a celebrity.

I mostly post about my family and daily life, which gets enough attention.

My classmates didn't know that till this August when I posted about my pool party.

They must be jealous of me.

But I'm not worried though. I have a lot of friends. Online friends.

'Trish, honey, are you listening to me?' my mother raised her eyebrows.

'Uh...yeah mom, got it, get essentials, and then we get a move on.' I smiled.

She nodded slightly and sighed.

'Teenagers these days. I don't get what they do with that phone all day long.' she mumbled to herself and walked away.

'As if a boomer like you would know.' I scoffed and continued making a vlog about shopping for essentials with my lovely family.

'You should replace it with "Shopping for attention with my family who I don't even listen to."' my sister joked.

'Ha-ha. Very funny.' I rolled my eyes.

She thinks she's funny, but she is not the jokester of the family, dad is.

'Hey guys, look what I found.' he came playfully with a fish.

'A fish?'

'Maybe that's why something smelled fishy out here.' he winked and we both chuckled.

'Ain't that funny dear?'

'It is funny dear, but now we need to continue shopping. The moving vans come in about an hour.' she remarked.

Mom is just too demanding from time to time. She doesn't get me.

'Alright then.' he disappeared into the mall, again.

I just had a terrific idea. I pulled out my phone and started filming my parents.

'Hey guys, today I'm going to ask my family how they feel about moving. It helps calm down pre-moving jitters.'

'Mom, how do you feel about moving?' I interviewed her.

'Uh- I feel so excited, and nervous at the same time.' she chuckled nervously.

'What will you do if the place is not up to your liking?' I asked her.

'Umm...I will adapt and adjust to it, I guess.'

'Dad, what do you think?'

'Are you kidding me? I grew up in that house, this is just pure nostalgia for me. I am super excited to go. That place belonged to my grandparents, who moved to my parents, who gave it to me after they sold it to travel around the world.' he explained.

'Didn't need the whole history but thanks anyway.'

'And Kiki, how do you feel about moving?'

'I don't want to move away. I'll miss all my friends. And Ms.Appe just said that she thinks I'm a good kid. Now I'm moving away and she will just think I'm a good girl and won't know it.' she sighed.

'Anything other than that sob story?' I rolled my eyes.

'No, it's just that/ I'm not addicted to that phone unlike you. What about you? how do you feel?' she countered my question back to me.

'I feel perfectly fine. It's a new chapter in my life, I'll be perfectly fine and happy that we have something new to enjoy and cherish.' I inspired her.

'I don't believe it.' she scoffed.

'Oh shut it, muffin top.' I scowled and turned the camera off before rudely offing her.

'Guys focus! Trish, enough filming, shopping, now!' she exclaimed and now I had no choice but to go clothes shopping with my mom.

'MOM! what kind of shirt is this?' I asked her in disgust.

it looked like a raccoon slept there all day with dirty paws and vomited in it. In conclusion, it was that horrible!

'What? It looks good on you. You could even wear this to the first day of your school.' she smiled.

This shirt? ew. No way. Not in a million years.

' thanks, I'll stick to my selection.'

'Oh...alright then.' she squeaked.

'Hey Trish we need you to- Ew what are you wearing?' she stopped her sentence to diss my shirt.

'Yeah it's nice, isn't it? Maybe we'll buy one for you then? huh, we'll even get you twin shirts.' she clapped.

We looked at each other in utter horror.

'Mom, I'm not wearing a twin shirt with him.'

Dad rushed in with a black bowtie.

'Michelle, what do you think of this?'

'Robert, what is this?' she asked baffled.

'It's a bowtie, like the one I wore for our wedding.' he smiled.

'Aw dad, that's cute.' kiki praised.

'Robert, honey, as cute as this is, we need to go back to REAL shopping soon enough, and everyone is getting distracted.' she complained.

In the meantime, I pulled out my phone and answered my comments. Some were cool, but some were really mean.

'Trish, focus honey.' my mother tugged my arm.

'Oh fine, but I'm not wearing the one you give me.' I replied.