Chapter 3:

It took at least five hours to pack and label all the boxes. Mostly because I kept different things in different spaces.

The movers came in pretty late because my mother informed them that it will take some more hours to pack the boxes.

Kiara actually had a big box for her stuffed creatures.

But my things weren't that much except for the props I use for my vines and the cameras, and the lights.

Okay, I admit that is quite a lot.

'Don't miss anything children, and don't forget your hats and sunscreen, it's a very sunny place.' My mom reminded us.

I was pretty excited about the sun.

It's pretty cold here in Brighthill.

'Yeah, got it, mum. Just let me tweet me leaving.' I pulled out my phone.

'No Trish, we're already late, grandma and grandpa must be waiting for us, let's go!' she hurried us.

'Ugh fine. Let's take one last pic of us together in our old house.' I pulled it out.

'That's not a bad idea.' my dad chimed.

'Fine by me.' kiki joined in.

'Ok, but this is the last one. And then we're moving!' my mom joined in our photo.

Click! The camera flashed and the phone caught a nice and bright photo of us all smiling and cherishing the last moments with this house.

'You know, it's quite hard to leave, seeing we stayed here all our lives.' my dad sighed.

'You're right honey, we've stayed here ever since Trish was born.' she smiled.

It's true, they believe I am a golden child because after I was born, my dad got a new job, and shortly after they bought a new house. It wasn't the biggest house, but still, it was cozy and warm.

We spent every Christmas, every one of our birthdays, and every one of Halloween together in this very house.

It's quite heartbreaking to leave it and move to another place.

Who knows if we would even have such good memories as here?

'Mum, do we really need to move? I mean, what if granny and granddad come back and want the house? Maybe they would change their minds and come back? Do you think this is so permanent that we have to sell this house?' kiki asked.

She had a point though.

My parents bought this house from my grandparents because they wanted to travel the world to explore as they've always wanted to and help people in need.

So far, their dream hadn't come true because they were too busy with life and their three children: my aunt, my uncle, and my mom.

'Kiki's right though mum. Is this really that important? I hate to break it up to you, but I don't think I would prefer an old, rusty house than our new, cozy home.' I stated.

'You're right dear, I know this is hard for you two. But, that house is also very big and you can make tons of friends there at your new school!' she tried to sound positive. I hated that.

'Yeah, right. New friends. I like my old friends here with the old house. is there any chance I can pay rent and stay?' I asked.

'Your friends? You mean the ones who encouraged you to break your nose in a street fight?' Mom grunted.

'Hey, I want to live here too! Mr.Muffins wants to stay here too!' Kiki replied.

'Children, calm down. The new owners of this house will come in any moment now to get the keys. I'm afraid that this house is really going to go away.' my mom sighed because she loved this place too, but I know that this house has gotten too expensive to pay for.

I overheard them talking that the loan sharks will get to us if we stayed any longer.

There's sadly no other way, but to move to the new house as soon as possible.

'It's ok Kiki, I bet the new house is even more spacious and nice, so you can stack those creepy bug-eyed sacks on one of your shelves.' I tried to stay positive.

'Yeah, and it's all-natural, there's a garden behind our house and big waterfalls below the cliff just some distance ahead.' My dad added.

'Doesn't sound so kid-friendly to me.' I shrugged.

'Well, I bet you'll love it there!' he laughed.

'Everyone, to the car!' he picked up some of his and mom's stuff and threw it in the trunk. Kiara and I held on to our boxes.

They're just minor stuff like my video games and some comics I had yet to finish.

Kiki was carrying her stuffed rabbit, bear, and her stuffed dolphin with her.

'Wait, why didn't you throw this junk back with the toy box?' I asked.

'Well, why didn't you throw away your junk?' she countered.

'Hmm..fair enough.'

The ride was very quiet.

As we moved on, I saw the busy roads turn into peaceful greenery all around me.

Some people were working on a farm and one young boy was brushing the mane of his horse.

I captured one of them on my camera.

The horse looked angry in that one.

'Cute, but not really my type.' I mumbled looking at the picture.

'Oh, what does it matter, it'll get views anyway.' I muttered and opened Vipernet.

'What? No network? You must be kidding me!' I sighed frustrated.

'Oh come on, it's not so bad. Look at all the greenery around you. Look at the people and the shops.' My mom recommended it.

'Yeah, no, thanks mum, but I'll stick to internet pranks and trends.' I breathed.

'Kids these days.' my mom sighed.

'Mom look, a bee nest!' my sister pointed to the big yellow, spherical nest we just passed through.

'Technically, it's called a bee hive, and don't act as if you've never seen it before.' I rolled my eyes.

'Oh and look, house sparrows! You can tell the difference by looking at their crowns. Theirs' are light grey, so you can differentiate them from hedge sparrows and tree sparrows.' she explained.

'I love this place! I'm gonna stay here forever!' she tittered.

'Oh wow, why the sudden change of heart?' I bleated.

'Oh come on, there's a bee hive and sparrows! I can do my animal journal here.'

'But you can't buy your stuffed toys here like you used to at the city mall.' I reminded her.

'Then we'll just order it.' she babbled.