
( Please Note: This is a work of science fiction with a mix of realistic fiction. If anything resembles real world places, people, or weaponry, it is NOT intentional. Thank you and I hope you enjoy this.)


I found out that we were in a hospital and in a program known as The Veritas Project. Unknown to us, at that time, we were sent to that base to retrieve the final bit of information needed to finish out the project. Unfortunately, we were also used as guinea pigs.

"That f*cking bastard used us!" I raged. The baby's arms wiggled about as I tried to convey my frustration. All it got me was stares from my comrades and a big round of laughter.

A short six months later, we all had fully matured again. Apparently the drug that our corpses were injected with, upon death, revert to a baby stage after a year of being dead. Then we are given a new life and mature within six months. However, the scientists in our R&D section didn't like those results. We were sent back out into the field to fully test the theory.

"I don't agree with this Rakon," Everest.

"Neither do I but until we can find something, what can we do?" I asked him.

"Override the protocols and take ourselves into the wild?" Lag.

"Just say f*ck it all and go die somewhere," Mason.

"Just kill them all and be rid of this stupid thing," Celes.

"Always so violent. We can help them first and then make our move," Sylla.

"Or we can just refuse and not do sh*t," Raptor.

"We do this mission and then we find out why we were selected and also a way to cure us," I said, the grimness of my voice telling them that I was serious. All of us had a plan we wanted to do but ultimately we knew that the answer was lying right in front of us. And we needed to know why.

"If this gets out, if more people become like us, then who knows what will happen. Governments could wage an eternal war and have an unlimited amount of soldiers," I looked over at my squadmates as I said this, "We took a vow to protect our country from terrorists, both foreign and domestic. And if our country becomes as such, then as much as I would hate to do it, we would have to resolve it ourselves. Could you live with that?" All of them went quiet. I could see their minds working over what I said.

"Lets do this job and get back. Then lets raise hell and question those scientists," Everest said as an evil smile curled its way onto his face. When Everest got mad, he was like a tank. Nothing and no one could stop him. That smile that caused people to sh*t and piss themselves, that was his trademark.

"Lets go over the deets one more time before landing," I said as I brought us back to the task at hand, "We have been dispatched to do a Search and Rescue. This Doctor Langthem is a specialist in Molecular Biology and is being held captive. It is our job to eliminate the enemy and extract him."

"Yes Squad Leader," The others replied.

"Extraction point is fifteen klicks west northwest of the captive base. We are to get in, get the doc, and get the f*ck out. We clear?"

"Clear!" Everyone.

"Alright. Get your game faces on. We are..."

"The Fanged Pack!"

(Note: Hey readers. I know this chapter is short compared to the first two, but for the following extraction, I want to continue it without a break. So please bear with me, OK? Thank you.)