12. Worry

'Speak of the mother'. Alex felt like he just struck himself on the foot with what he said.

"What happened Mamako? Why are you crying?" Raikou asked a bit worried when she saw her sister on the verge of crying.

"A…Alex he….he" Mamako sobbed a little as she couldn't finish her words.

Alex felt a bit distressed and immediately hugged Mamako as he soothed her. "Don't worry Mom, I'm fine. See". Alex said as he hugged Mamako tightly with a smile.

"But….but". Mamako said as she still wasn't convinced.

"Let me see". Raikou said as she took Alex and started to check his body. Her face grew darker by the minute when she felt the bruises on his body.

Alex gave a wry smile as he knew that the troubles weren't over yet. He could see that Grayfia was also looking at him worry and distress.

"Don't worry Ka chan, it's just a small bruise. It'll go away easily". Alex said while looking in Raikou and Grayfia's eyes.

"Let's go". Raikou didn't say anything and just took Alex back towards the Villa. Mamako and Grayfia also followed behind with worry laced on their faces.

Back home, Raikou asked some maids to prepare the Bath while she bought Alex over to her bedroom.

"Alex!! I'm sorry for not stopping them. Please forgive me". Raikou held Alex tightly as she cried her lungs out. She was sobbing loudly as she held Alex tighter towards herself.

Grayfia and Mamako burst through the door as they were probably standing just outside. All of them hugged Alex and sobbed loudly.

Alex was a bit distressed and didn't know how to calm them down. He also felt very warm inside as he felt their worry and care for him. No man likes to be alone and he certainly didn't want to either.

"Yosh Yosh, nothing happened. I am fine, don't worry. I will make sure to take care of myself in the future". Alex patted them one by one as he tried to calm them down while talking.

As they calmed down from their crying, they looked at Alex with a little embarrassment as they were supposed to be the adults here. But Alex was the one consoling them like Kids.

Just then they heard a knock on the door. "Master, madam. The bath is ready". A maid said as she dutifully reminded them.

All three of them thought at the same time. 'Perfect Timing'. They yelled in their heads and got up to go to the bath with Alex.

"Hmm Mamako, you should stay here. I will take a bath with Alex and then you can also go". Raikou said with a smile that was not a smile.

Raikou said and tried to go out alone as she caught Alex's hand but just as she moved, Grayfia also came along with them.

"Grayfia, what are you doing?" Raikou said as she looked at Grayfia with puzzlement.

"It is my duty to serve the Young master everywhere". Grayfia said with a righteous tone in her voice. *ahem* 'everywhere'.

"No, I'll be the first. Give me my Alex". Mamako also awoke from her stupor and started fighting with the other 2 to take Alex to bath.

Alex was getting passed on like a ball between the three of them as he smelt their different scents and felt their boobs. He was just enjoying himself at first but then it got more intense as they just about summoned their powers.

"Why don't I go by myself?" Alex said innocently as he looked at them.

He had stopped bathing with them when he turned 5 years old. After some time, he found that his little brother had started to act at this young age. He was a bit bewildered by this. As this was unprecedented, he was astonished and embarrassed. So he had stopped bathing for a while with them.

"No!!". All three of them said with unison as it had been a while since they took a bath with Alex and they weren't leaving this chance.

"There is only one way". Mamako looked at the other two with a serious face.

"Yes, only one way". The other two also replied seriously.

Alex gulped nervously at they were about to do. He was a bit nervous and thought of stopping them if things went too far as they never really could handle his charm anyway.

All of them clenched their fists as a serious aura radiated from them. Suddenly, they swung their hands and yelled. "Jan Ken Pon!".

Hearing that Alex fell on the floor dramatically in Anime style. He looked funny doing it with his small body. He was quite dumbfounded by this though.

"Yay!" Mamako yelled happily when she saw that she won. Grayfia and Raikou looked deflated by their defeat.

"Don't worry Grayfia-ka chan, Raikou-ka chan. I will take a bath with you tomorrow or later". He looked at them with a smile as he said but he didn't say the last part out loud.

"Let's go!!" Mamako yelled happily as she took Alex's hand and started walking towards the bath.

Getting there, Mamako started to undress Alex. Seeing this, he grew flustered as he felt that his little brother was acting up a little. So he quickly got away from her hands.

"Why are you avoiding me, honey?" Mamako looked at Alex with a sad and pitiful expression as she said.

"N-no mom, I just feel weird". Alex decided to play the innocent card and potentially take some advantage to bring the relationship a step further if God(author) permits.

"What is it sweety". Mamako looked at Alex covering the front of his shorts unsuccessfully with his little hands.

"Come here". She said as she quickly captured Alex and took off his shorts before he even had the time to object.

She saw a very pleasant sight that made her breathing a bit heavier. Alex's little brother was standing there at its full glory, although, it was quite small. It was barely as big as a Pinky finger.

"Ara Ara, So Alex-chan has started to grow up". Mamako said with a gleam in her eyes.

(A/N: Hentai logic, don't question.)