16. Competition

During the last 5 years that Alex had reincarnated on this world. The situation for the Humans had worsened because of their own greed one more time.

People who ventured in the other world had messed with some ruins and unleashed some of the dormant species on the other side of the portal.

Those species landed on Earth and started to claim territories and transform the Earth to their liking. The Humanity had another reckoning because of this.

Some species transformed the Europe into a massive Forested Continent. While North America was suffering from mechanical life forms that were powerful and deadly.

Africa had the most concentration of Beasts and other deadly insect and reptiles that weren't any less deadly than others. South America was the land of Undeads. Most of the world was affected by this as well.

All the deads arose and made a massive Undead region around half of Asia and South America was fully covered with them. Oceania had the deadliest sea life and Insects.

Humans still survived because of their ingenuity and some powerhouses among them. Otherwise, Humans would've been wiped out long ago.

Still, those powerhouses just had a temporary truce with the upper echelons of each faction on Earth and the lower echelons were free to do what they wanted. This created a delicate balance that was keeping the Humanity afloat, a very dangerous ridge.

The only faction that irked every other were the Undead and the insects as they didn't try to cooperate with anyone and also desecrated their dead people. So there was a natural feud going on.

In which Human, beasts and the natives of the other side banded together to fight and resist the insects and undeads. But the lower beasts and monsters that weren't intelligent didn't follow this rule.

As Alex neared the Gymnasium. He saw that the building for the gym was quite big and felt that it was a waste to make it so big. Since people out there were barely given underground caves to live while people here enjoyed extravagance to the fullest.

"Get ready and be respectful to the instructor. He is a special teacher invited by the school for you children". The teacher warned sternly as he led the students inside the gym.

Immediately, Alex noticed a variety of different children in groups already in the Gym. Each group was surrounding a different platform that was being used to conduct spars between the children.

He saw that two kids got on stage and faced each other in their own unique stances. The guy on the left put his hands forward in fists while the other guy was using a wooden sword in a standard stance.

After looking at their fight for a bit, he put his attention back to the teacher who was about say something again.

"You students will be drawing lots and decide in the order of the matches. The winners will gain an individual lesson with the special instructor and a chance to participate in the inter class competition". The teacher said with his stoic face.

The children started to whisper among each other in excitement when they heard this. The strong were like idols and stars in the peace era. So it was a no brainer that the children were excited about it.

Then everyone formed line as they drew their own lots and decided the order of things. Alex was paired against a kid that practiced with gauntlets.

"Alexander Oosuki and Mike line get on the stage". The ring instructor said and Alex along with the other guy stepped on stage.

They stood in front of each other and looked at ready for combat. The guy used leather gloves as he made fists in front of Alex

Meanwhile, Alex was standing there leisurely with a blunt wooden axe on his shoulders. He looked ridiculous as he carried an axe with his small body but it was somehow cute as well.


At that that voice, the guy dashed at Alex as he cocked his fist backwards. Alex looked at the guy with impassive eyes. For him, the guy was a bit slow.

As the fist came, Alex just tucked his head to the side and the fist missed. The kid took the chance as he used his elbow for the strike. He elbow hit home as it hit Alex on the side of his face.

"Good hit but is that all you got?" Alex said as he looked at the kid with a gleam in his eyes. He wasn't the strongest in the class for nothing.

Alex lifted the axe high and bought it down on the guy in a swift motion. The axe quickly got his head out of the way but the axe hit him square on the shoulder.

The hit made the guy wince and drop down as he cried in pain. There was a big purple bruise on the shoulder where Alex's axe had hit earlier.

"Alexander Oosuki wins". The instructor announced and the medics in the gym quickly took the guy and checked his injuries.

All the while Alex just leisurely stepped down the stage in the same pose with the axe on his shoulders.

'Alex-kun is so cool'. In an inconspicuous corner. A Dark blue haired girl with white featureless eyes was looking at Alex with excitement.

She didn't really have the courage to get close to him but she was able to look at him from afar with shining eyes.

She looked as how coolly walked down the ring and was greeted by 2 girls. Seeing him talking with those two girls changed her mood. Hinata started to radiate a scary aura around her that scared the children standing close to her.

They were wondering that how did their timid classmate show such a bloodthirsty expression and radiated a heavy pressure that scared them. They were feeling very scared of her right now.

Alex oblivious to this was currently patting Alice and Ye Lian on the head as he encouraged them for their upcoming match.

The girls smiled cutely as their nervousness was lessened a bit. They then chatted and awaited for their turn to go on stage.